
Former SK hynix employee caught passing memory semiconductor technology to Huawei

Former SK hynix employee caught passing memory semiconductor technology to Huawei

A sign in front of an SK hynix building that includes a giant round silicon wafer in the background.
A sign in front of an SK hynix building that includes a giant round silicon wafer in the background.

It has been revealed that a former Chinese employee of SK hynix is ​​on trial for allegedly passing data on memory semiconductor technology to Huawei.

According to industry sources, on May 28, South Gyeonggi Provincial Police arrested a Chinese woman in her 30s, identified as Ms. A, who worked for SK hynix, last month for violating the law on prevention of disclosure and protection of human rights. Technology and dereliction of duty. Ms. A was referred to the prosecution and is currently on trial at the Yeoju Branch of the Suwon District Court.

Ms. A joined SK hynix in 2013 and was responsible for semiconductor design data analysis. In 2020, she was sent to the company’s Chinese subsidiary, where she managed business-to-business customer consultations until 2020. Ms. A is accused of printing more than 3,000 pages of SK semiconductor data hynix and having transmitted them to Huawei during his professional transition. in June 2022.

An SK hynix representative said, “We have confirmed that some data related to the frontal memory process has been leaked and reported it,” adding, “We are closely monitoring the police investigation.” »