
Disturbing story of missing holidaymaker caught on CCTV fleeing airport into woods after making scary phone call

Disturbing story of missing holidaymaker caught on CCTV fleeing airport into woods after making scary phone call

RUNNING through the airport shouting “I don’t want to die”, Lars Joachim Mittank appeared to be running for his life.

The 28-year-old’s frightening final movements were captured on CCTV at Varna Airport in Bulgaria after a lads’ holiday.

Lars Mittank was seen fleeing an airport in 2014
The 28-year-old has not been seen since

Lars was seen jumping over a two-metre fence before disappearing into the forest. following to the highway.

Unfortunately, he was never seen again.

The mysterious circumstances surrounding Lars’ disappearance have earned him the dubious title of “YouTube’s Most Famous Missing Person.”

His bizarre case has also given rise to dozens of conspiracy theories as detectives delve into the disturbing images to try to solve the mystery.

But no one has ever been able to establish whether Lars was the victim of a gruesome murder or whether he was simply suffering from the effects of a head trauma he suffered before the trial. horror.

The disturbing story began in July 2014 when Lars flew on a boys’ holiday to Bulgaria from his homeland. Germany with five friends.

But the day before the group returned, he got into an argument with other German nationals while drinking in Varna.

Lars left his friends outside the bar and disappeared into the night.

He did not return to the hotel until the following morning, where he claimed to have been beaten by four men, resulting in an injury to his jaw and a ruptured eardrum.

As a result, Lars received antibiotics and advised by a doctor not to go home with his friends.

Although they insisted on staying with him, Lars reassured them that he was fine on his own and then checked into the Color Varna hotel near the airport for a night.

But it was here that his behavior began to escalate after he made a frightening phone call to his mother Sandra.

Lars had calmly entered the airport
He ran towards a forest before disappearing

Through whispers, Lars told his mother that people who wanted him dead were following him as he urged her to cancel his credit card.

Sandra later revealed: “I was thinking, my God, my son is in danger. I could hear his heart beating on the phone.

“He said people were trying to rob him or kill him.”

At 1 a.m., hotel CCTV cameras saw him pacing the hallway, hiding in an elevator and peering out of windows scattered along the long hallways.

Lars also randomly left in the early morning before returning an hour later, but where he went is unknown.

He called Sandra the next day to tell her that the people who were stalking him were getting closer before heading to the airport.

It was here that the strange case came to a head after Lars met the airport doctor to check his injuries.

Despite being told he was fit to fly, Lars’ bizarre antics were filmed as he was heard saying: “I don’t want to die here.

“I have to get out of here.”

He then dropped a bag containing his passport, phone and wallet on the ground and ran as fast as he could down a corridor to exit the airport.

Once he jumped a fence, Lars disappeared into a nearby forest and was never seen again.

No one knows why Lars disappeared that dayCredit: Facebook/Finder Lars Mittank

It’s never been established what triggered his paranoia – drugsa reaction to his eardrum medication or head trauma from combat.

Bulgaria is also a country where human trafficking and organized crime are widespread, leading some to believe he was actually being hunted.

The police opened an investigation into Lars’ disappearance but never found any concrete leads.

Lars was interested in the outdoors and had previously gone hunting and fishing, but experts say it is unlikely he would have been able to survive for so long in the wild.

His anguished family even hired a private detective in the hope of finding answers, but the search continues.

Mom Sandra confirmed that Lars didn’t have history of mental illness and believes he is still alive, but may have lost his memory.

A potential breakthrough occurred in 2016 when police Brazil tweeted a photo of a bearded man they found walking barefoot along a highway.

The photo matched an age progression image of Lars, but the man was later identified as a missing Canadian aid worker.

Horror Timeline: How Lars Disappeared into Thin Air

February 9, 1986: Lars was born in Berlin, Germany

June 30, 2014: The 28-year-old travels with five friends to Varna, Bulgaria, for a guys’ vacation.

July 6: The day before the group returns, Lars gets into a fight with rival soccer fans.

July 7, morning: He goes to a doctor for an injured jaw and ruptured eardrum. Lars is advised against flying and prescribed the antibiotic Cefprozil.

July 7, afternoon: Lars’ friends return home at his insistence and he checks into the Color Varna hotel for a night. That evening he calls Mom Sandra and tells her that people are planning to kill or rob him.

Lars is seen on CCTV pacing the corridors, looking out of windows and hiding in an elevator.

July 8, 1 a.m.: He leaves the hotel before returning an hour later. We don’t know where he was.

July 8: Lars goes to Varna airport to return to Germany. He texts his mother to tell her he has arrived before going to see the doctor at the airport. Lars is “erratic and nervous”, but is advised to go home.

A construction worker then entered the doctor’s office, causing Lars to shout, “I don’t want to die here. I have to get out of here.”

He is then captured throwing his belongings away and fleeing the terminal.

Once outside, Lars is seen climbing a fence and running towards a forest where he disappeared.

Then, three years later, a German truck driver who was taking a hitchhiker from Dresden to Brandenberg came forward.

He revealed how the man looked like an older version of Lars, but again the potential development went nowhere.

Lars would now be 38 years old and despite the dead ends and increasingly erroneous theories, Sandra remains determined to find her son.

The mother continues to post updates on the “Find Lars Mittank” Facebook page and prints thousands of missing person flyers.

Speaking previously, Sandra said: “There’s a good chance he’ll come back. He just needs my help.”

Lars’ mother never gave up hope of finding her son
The investigation into his disappearance is still openCredit: Facebook / Findet Lars Mittank