
“Pay”, climate activists send a message to rich countries

“Pay”, climate activists send a message to rich countries 1/8 Photo by Bullit Marquez

“Pay”, climate activists send a message to rich countries 2/8 Photo by Bullit Marquez

“Pay”, climate activists send a message to rich countries 3/8 Photo by Bullit Marquez

“Pay”, climate activists send a message to rich countries 4/8 Photo by Bullit Marquez

“Pay”, climate activists send a message to rich countries 5/8 Photo by Bullit Marquez

“Pay”, climate activists send a message to rich countries 6/8 Photo by Bullit Marquez

“Pay”, climate activists send a message to rich countries 7/8 Photo by Bullit Marquez

“Pay”, climate activists send a message to rich countries 8/8 Photo by Bullit Marquez

Climate activists demanding that rich countries meet their financing commitments to mitigate climate change flocked to the U.S. Embassy on Roxas Boulevard on June 11 to deliver their message to G7 members who will meet in Italy from June 13 to 15.

G7 is short for Group of Seven made up of advanced economies, namely Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States. The European Union (EU) is an “unlisted member”. It is organized around shared values ​​of pluralism, liberal democracy and representative government.

A press release from the protesters said: “To tackle the climate crisis, poor countries need climate finance from the world’s richest nations, which have historically emitted the most greenhouse gases. greenhouse and contributed the most to climate change. Without funds from the G7, which committed to providing climate finance when signing the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in 1992, poor countries cannot phase out fossil fuels, gradually adopt renewable energies, strengthen their resilience to climate impacts and cope with loss and damage. We strongly call on the G7 to fulfill its obligations and urgently provide climate finance so that poor countries can act and tackle a crisis they did not cause.

Photos and video by Bullit Marquez for VERA Files