
Owners buy Labrador puppy, shocked by dog’s adult size

Preparing for their adorable new puppy to become a large Labrador, the owners were stunned to find that their adult dog had not reached the typical size of the breed.

Chocolate Labradors, when mature, typically stand between 21 and 24 inches tall and weigh between 55 and 80 pounds, with males generally being larger than females. The size also depends on the type of chocolate Labrador: American or English.

When TikTok user @kalefraze and her husband first brought their puppy home, they received comments from people saying the dog would grow to be huge. But she hadn’t looked much bigger since they got her, when the puppy reached 5 months. Granted, Labradors don’t reach adult size until they’re about six to 12 months old, so the couple patiently waited to see if their dog grew any further.

The June 9 TikTok video shows the dog’s progression from a tiny puppy to full-grown size, and now that the waiting game is over, the owners still have a little Labrador. People will tell the couple that their dog is the smallest Labrador they have ever seen.

The caption says, “They tricked us,” but size doesn’t matter. She is still their baby.

The video includes photos of their adult dog to give people an idea of ​​how small he is. She barely reaches her owner’s knees when standing on all fours. The positive point is that it doesn’t take up too much space on the sofa.

These owners, in particular, were unprepared for their puppy’s size, or lack thereof, because his parents were not small. In the comments section, the owner mentioned that the dog’s parents were “pretty big and stocky.”

She also added that her small size was not due to a lack of food. The comment says: “She EATS. She would eat the whole bag if I let her. Obviously we fed her appropriately, but she is the greediest dog I have ever met.”

News week contacted @kalefraze via TikTok for more information.

‘Small woman’

In less than a week, the TikTok video has racked up 1.4 million views, 169,700 likes, and 989 comments.

“She’s just a little lady,” one viewer commented, while a second person wrote: “It’s like someone brought her a psych ray, she’s adorable!!”

Others shared similar experiences: “We have a black lab that weighs 46 pounds! We also receive comments from “small lab”.

Another said: “I think mine is a bit the size of your dog. He weighs 140 pounds and isn’t even overweight…”

Little chocolate labrador sitting
Image of a little chocolate Labrador sitting on a dog bed. The owners were amazed by the actual size of their chocolate laboratory.

Ecological entrance/Getty Images

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