
“Insane” fight with black bear filmed in Yukon wilderness

Do bears practice MMA in the woods?

The accompanying footage, captured recently in Canada’s Yukon Territory, shows two enormous black bears fighting on a wild road.

“Witness one of nature’s rarest spectacles,” exclaimed hunting outfitter Jim Shockey via X. “The spring rut is in full swing and the big boars are on the warpath.”

The fierce fight includes roundhouse punches and grappling techniques as each bruin attempts to gain the upper hand.

“The bear closest to the camera has a serious right hook,” one follower observed. “Ducks when he throws it too, my money’s on him.”

The images were attributed to Rogue River Outfitters Yukon, which apparently led the May 2 expedition.

“INSANE BLACK BEAR FIGHT!” » the company exclaimed, calling the confrontation a territorial conflict. “The speed and power are breathtaking. You can see some of the blows being delivered knocking each other down.

Adult male black bears can weigh more than 500 pounds and stand 7 feet tall on their hind legs, so any battle between adult bears is a heavyweight match.

Rogue River Outfitters Yukon added:

“Such fights are rare to observe, but they occur frequently, especially in areas where bear density is high. Wars are more intense if food supplies are limited or during mating season.

The silent footage was filmed through the vehicle’s windshield.

The story was originally published on For The Win