
Wheeling History Class Will Be Offered to Adults This Fall | News, Sports, Jobs

The historic Wheeling Suspension Bridge is lit up at night. This fall, Ohio County Schools will give adults the opportunity to take the same Wheeling history class offered to students at Wheeling Park High School. (File Photo)

WHEELING — Residents interested in Wheeling’s history will get the same chance to learn about it next fall as do students at Wheeling Park High School.

Ohio County Schools has received a $1,000 partnership grant from Wheeling Heritage to offer the same history of Wheeling class taught by Ryan Stanton to the general public.

Stanton will teach the class during night sessions, and these are expected to take place twice a month, said Karin Butyn, director of communications and alumni relations for Ohio County Schools.

The times and dates for the sessions have yet to be scheduled, but they are expected to start in the fall.

The $1,000 grant will cover the cost of purchasing copies of the book, “Wheeling: Then and Now” by Sean Duffy, programming coordinator at the Ohio County Public Library and the executive director of the Wheeling Academy of Law and Science.

There will be no cost to those taking the class, Butyn noted.

“We will supply the books, and the class will be for adults in the community who are interested in learning about Wheeling’s history,” she said.

Stanton is a former Ohio County teacher of the year.

“He gets excited when teaching, and students flock to his class because of that,” Butyn said. “I saw the grant was available, and I knew there would be a lot of adults who would want to take this course. This will be another opportunity to connect our city more to our schools, and let the public see what we have to offer.”

The class is one of the most popular electives at the school, she added.

“It’s cool. Every city has its story and its own culture that makes it special. We want to make sure we reflect on those things,” she said.

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