
Meet Unify AI: an AI startup that dynamically routes each user prompt to the best LLM for better quality, speed and cost.

Almost every week brings a brand new LLM application, each with its own specific needs for output speed, cost, and quality. Additionally, models that provide the best performance for the job should be highlighted. For this reason, there are many manual registrations, model tests, custom benchmarks, etc. The problem is difficult to solve and the results could be more satisfactory. There are a lot of people who give up and still use the bigger models.

To summarize the basics, though, GPT4 is fine, but Llama 8B is faster and cheaper. Currently, LLM applications are much more expensive and slower than necessary, and they often produce poor quality results due to models that must be correctly chosen for applications.

Check out Unify, an awesome AI startup tool that can access almost all available LLMs through a single API and compare different LLMs. Based on speed, cost, and quality preferences, Unify automatically routes each prompt to the best-fit template. Unify will handle everything else once you adjust these three settings.

Unify connects developers with the growing number of LLMs. Access a wide variety of language models with Unify’s unified API. Searching and merging separate LLMs is a tedious procedure that this eliminates.

Benefits of Unify

  • You can control data routing by selecting models and providers and adjusting sliders for latency, cost, and quality.
  • Continuous improvement: As new models and providers are added to Unify, the LLM application is automatically improved over time.
  • By comparing their observability, see which models and service providers best meet the requirements.
  • Fairness: Unify is fair to all models and providers. Therefore, there are no biased measures of speed, cost or quality.
  • You can access all models and providers behind a single endpoint with a single API key for added convenience. You can query them individually or through the router.

Stay focused on creating best-in-class LLM products instead of worrying about keeping models and vendors up to date. Unify takes care of it for you.

To access all models from all supported providers using a single API key, register a Unify account. Everything you pay is what the endpoint providers take out of their pockets. We use a credit system to standardize API fees, one credit equals $1. All new registrations also receive $50 in free credits! Detailed information on credits and pricing is available in the publications. Unify’s router balances throughput speed, cost and quality in response to individual user choices. A neural scoring function estimates how well each model would respond to a specific signal, allowing quality to be predicted in advance. The most recent reference data for the location is used to retrieve speed and cost.

To summarize

Unify allows developers to focus on building innovative applications by streamlining LLM access and selection. It uses a robust comparison engine that takes into account things like price, processing speed, and result quality. Developers can use this feature to find the best LLM for their specific tasks, whether creating unique text formats, accurately translating languages, or composing creative materials.

Dhanshree Shenwai is a Computer Science Engineer with good experience in FinTech companies spanning Finance, Cards & Payments and Banking with a keen interest in AI applications. She is enthusiastic about exploring new technologies and advancements in today’s changing world that makes everyone’s life easier.

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