
Parker High School demolished to make way for new buildings

Parker High School demolished to make way for new buildings

It’s the end of an era in the small town of Parker. But as you will see, it is also the beginning of a new story.

“It’s hard to tear down a piece of history, but change will be a good thing,” Parker Superintendent Janelle Johnson said.

Piece…by piece…crews demolished the old Parker High School which was built in 1911.

“It had some impressive features that you could see being over 100 years old, it had some really complex things inside, but it was just about time,” Johnson said.

Knowing that the high school was doomed to demolition, the high school students took over the old elementary school which was renovated a few years ago to accommodate the growing numbers in the neighborhood.

But when it comes to the old high school, it holds plenty of memories for some locals like Jim Jones.

“Well, we’ve had four generations of Joneses who have attended the school, starting with my grandmother in 1923 and continuing with my father, myself and now my two daughters,” Jim Jones said.

As you can see now, all that’s left is a pile of rubble, but once the cleanup is done, which should take a few weeks, the new construction can begin.

“In its place, because right here where we are, this room will be next to our new gymnasium, it will be a third auxiliary gymnasium, which will also be a multi-purpose room for our storm shelter, so it will be a shelter certified storm shelter in the event of a serious problem,” Johnson said.

Additionally, they are building a new agricultural store.

But it was the demolition of the old high school that got people talking.

“We had people sitting on the steps of the Catholic church watching, and every evening we had people parked on the corner watching and taking pictures,” Johnson said.

“Well, I haven’t seen anyone cry at all, but they might when they get their tax bill for the new school,” Jones said.

Taxes will increase by 63 dollars per 100 thousand dollars of property valuation. The new addition is expected to be completed by fall of next year.

A sign from the old school will be placed on the new building once it is completed.