
Woman struggling to walk shocked when Coldplay singer stops to help her

Coldplay fan Saundra Glenn, 64, no longer goes to concerts because her hips bother her. But she couldn’t pass up the opportunity to see her favorite band in her hometown. That evening, as she prepared for the concert, she was excited to experience Coldplay live.

But her “dodgy right hip” started bothering her. She stopped to rest and even considered going home, but then a black Mercedes stopped next to her. A driver asked Saundra if she needed help getting to the concert. Saundra couldn’t believe her luck and was grateful for the ride. But she got the shock of her life when the back door opened and she found herself face to face with Chris Martin, the lead singer of Coldplay.

“The door opened and I said, ‘Oh, it’s Chris Martin, I can’t go in with him,’ and they said, ‘Yes, you can,'” Saundra said.

Chris assured him it was no problem to help him. Then Saundra joked: “I’m 64 Chris, I don’t do festivals, I came just to see you and now I’ve seen you and I can go home,” which made the star laugh.

Saundra found herself in the company of Coldplay’s lead singer

Despite initial hesitation, Saundra found herself in the company of her musical idol, establishing an instant connection as they shared jokes and bonded over shared experiences. During their conversation, Saundra mentioned a campaign to change the lyrics of Coldplay’s song “Yellow” to “Orange” in homage to Luton and its football club. If Chris remained discreet, he hinted at “a nice surprise” in store.

True to their word, Coldplay unveiled a brand new song, “Orange,” during Saundra’s hometown tribute performance. However, Chris’s compassion and kindness extended beyond the stage; he ensured that Saundra arrived safely at her destination and arranged for help for her to reach her seat.

Meeting Saundra left an indelible mark, not only because of the splendor of the concert, but also because of Chris’s sincere care and attention. She fondly describes him as “such a kind person,” deeply grateful for the unforgettable act of kindness that brightened her day.

It was quite an act of kindness

Saundra said: “He did an act of kindness to me for which I will always be grateful, and he gave Luton back his composure, thank you.”

Meeting Chris Martin transcended just meeting his favorite band; it was an encounter with an everyday angel whose warmth and compassion brought immeasurable joy and kindness to her world. What an incredible gift!

Hebrews 10:24 “And let us consider how we may stir up one another to love and good works. »

This content originally appeared on; used with permission.

Photo credit: ©Twitter/OfficialSaundra