
Jennifer Lawrence Starring in ‘Real Housewives’-Inspired Murder Mystery

Jennifer Lawrence

Starring in a new murder mystery…

Inspired by “Housewives”!!!

Jennifer Lawrence is taking the murder mystery route for her next starring role… a movie for Apple that’s apparently inspired by “The Real Housewives” franchise, which is entirely appropriate.

The actress is set to play the lead in a film called “The Wives” — which she’s also producing, by the way — and the words are… it’s a classic thriller, in which J Law will play a woman typical household in the vein of the Bravo world.

There aren’t many other details yet about Jennifer’s new movie… it was announced Friday and it’s still in development, so the plot isn’t quite finished and there’s no has no filming date. Still…the fact that Jen is doing a “Housewives” thing is honestly perfect casting, because she’s a huge fan!

Don’t forget, J Law is a huge fan of all things ‘Real Housewives’ – and she’s even been on Andy Cohenis “WWHL” on several occasions…so it makes sense that she would tap into that universe at some point in her career.

Apple Original Films claims to have beaten out a ton of competitors for Jennifer’s film… so, it looks like there was some sort of bidding war to snatch this one away – which suggests it’ll be pretty darn good.

Jennifer will recite lines written by Michel Breslin And Patrick Foley …they previously teamed up on a Pulitzer Prize finalist play, “Circle Jerk.”

Apple Studios and A24 are also heavily involved…and the production companies actually have a history with Jennifer…they all worked together on her 2022 drama “Causeway.”

Considering this will be a “Housewives” type movie…you have to wonder if any cameos will be made by the real ladies. Can’t wait to see this!