

Posted by Sam Owen on Sunday June 23, 2024

Imagine this. I present you with a blank CD, cut it in half and begin adding ingredients while mystically waving my hands around the disc as if it were a crystal ball. I tell you we’re going to add ingredients to this record and you look at me like I’m crazy! The first ingredient I add is high camp of energy, the second is a dose of theatrical excellence and the third is a pinch of poignant lyricism. I stick the CD back in and plug in the only CD player left on the planet. What sound do you think we would hear?

In reality, there would only be silence and disorder all over the table, since that’s not how CDs are made.

But metaphorically speaking, you would have the new album “Sleep” by Daphne Guinness. The multi-talented film producer, actress, designer and musician has big ambitions with her fourth studio album and it’s fair to say she’s taken my expectations out of the stratosphere like a disco ball from a catapult.

‘Sleep’, Daphne Guinness’ 70s disco-inspired album demands to be heard. The record’s production, which is a mix of nostalgic whimsy and crisp modernity, is fluid and was largely done by Guinness herself, along with Malcolm Doherty. The most striking aspect of this record is the sense of urgency, there is an atmosphere of frenzy and almost every track reflects this. You could absolutely hear a cinematic masterpiece like “Solitaire” as the soundtrack to a montage of a protagonist finally getting his revenge in the penultimate scene of an action film.

The overall sound of “Sleep” is similar to something you would find in the late 80s. Pet Shop Boys record and I say that as a compliment with the highest regard. The intense strings bouncing throughout several tracks really complement the wonderful theatrical energy of “Sleep”, which I can only assume was Guinness’ intention for the project as a whole. Another quality that the singer possesses is her fascinating annunciation. I find the way she delivers lyrics so clearly quite refreshing, given the tired tendency of artists mumbling chants to fit their overall aesthetic.

“Sleep” immediately lays out Guinness’ ambition with the brilliant opening track “Hip Neck Spine,” which I believe may intentionally or inadvertently interpolate Blondie’s.Heart of glass’. In addition to the opening track, there are several other standout tracks from the album that I sincerely hope get airplay, as they truly deserve recognition. I have to admit that I was quite perplexed to discover that the wonderfully infectious “Love & Destruction” is not billed as a single, it has the perfect formula for a radio hit with niche lyrics, which sets Guinness apart from some of the artists made. which currently dominates the Top 40. While there’s no denying that “Love & Destruction” is my personal highlight of the album, “Burn” and “Volcano” are other standout moments that I fear might be overshadowed by more important pieces like the precious and captivating “Dark”. Night of the soul’. While we’re talking about the magnificence of “Dark Night Of The Soul”, it’s crucial for me to mention that in the moments where Guinness breaks into her iconic spoken word style, there is a clear resemblance to the genius Doris Day .

The penultimate track “Bedazzled” is a phenomenal stroke of genius that changes structure more often than a politician, while remaining not only consistent but truly excellent. The melody extends further into the psychedelic realm than any other on “Sleep” and truly allows Guinness to flourish in an eccentric bubble that would likely burst if another musician attempted such a bizarre composition. Album closer, “Time,” is a vulnerable addition to the record that allows it to come to a natural conclusion and the song itself may have been taken in the same vein as ABBA’s “.”The winner takes allin terms of her angelic voice, as well as sonically.

“Sleep” is a bold and exciting collection of tracks that tackle the heavy topics of love and loss, with undertones examining politics, pop culture and much more. If you have about 40 minutes to spare, bathe in the glory of Daphne Guinness’ new record, “Sleep.”

You will find that your soul moves you to dance while your mind studies some of the the darkest and the most intimate lyricism of popular music.

Daphne Guinness: Sleep – Released June 21, 2024 (Agent Anonymous Recordings)

Daphne” frameborder = “0”allowfullscreen> Guinness – Volcano (Official Video) – YouTube