
An MP reveals how he was asked to adopt the 2024 finance bill

Juja MP George Koimburi on Sunday claimed that lawmakers were offered Kes 2 million to vote yes to the finance bill, which passed second reading on Thursday.

Koimburi, one of 114 MPs who voted against the bill, claimed MPs were offered money to pass the legislation, sparking the #OccupyParliament protests last week.

Speaking outside the AIPCA Ndururumo Church in Juja constituency, the lawmaker claimed he refused the bribe and voted against the bill.

“We were offered money…you saw how they carried the money in bags. We were told that for every yes vote we would receive Kes. 2 millions,” he said.

Koimburi said he could not, in good conscience, support a bill that he believed would harm the public.

The MP also condemned police brutality during the anti-Finance Bill protests in Nairobi. He accused the police of using heavy-handed tactics, which left two people injured and two dead.

Furthermore, Koimburi issued a stern warning about the possible consequences of the President’s adoption and signing into law of the Finance Bill.

He warned that as young people become increasingly disenfranchised and frustrated by the economic hardship imposed by such legislation, they may resort to drastic measures, including widespread unrest.

“If this bill is passed, young people risk burning the country down. » he warned.