
Hidden dangers at the beach (and how to spot them)


Every year, countless swimmers fall victim to a hidden threat: rip currents.

These powerful water channels can push even good swimmers away from shore, turning a relaxing day at the beach into a dangerous situation.

By understanding rip currents and how to stay safe, you will be able to enjoy your time at the beach worry-free. Here’s what you need to know:

What is a rip current?

A rip current is a strong, narrow channel of fast-moving water that flows directly from the shore, like a river flowing out to sea. Imagine a powerful underwater conveyor belt extracting water from the beach. These currents can be surprisingly fast, even outpacing Olympic swimmers.

What do countercurrents look like?

Riptides can be difficult to spot, but here are some signs to look for:

  • A channel of rough, restless water: This will appear different from the calmer surrounding water.
  • A break in the incoming waves: Look for areas where waves are not breaking, such as flat spots in the wave line.
  • Moss, algae or debris regularly moving towards the sea: This is carried by the current.
  • A difference in water color: Sandy water flowing past the waves may be a sign.

These signs are not always present, so it is important to be aware of them and consult a rescuer if in doubt. (The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)

Surviving rip currents

  • Stay calm: Don’t fight the flow.
  • Do not swim directly to shore: You will be tired.
  • Swim parallel to the shore: First get out of the pull of the current.
  • Then swim towards the shore at an angle: Use the crashing waves to help you.
  • If you can’t swim, float and call for help.

How to get out of a rip current?

Swim first parallel to the shore, then at an angle toward the shore. If you can’t swim, float and call for help.

Are riptides pulling you down?

No, rip currents take you away from shore, not underwater. However, the strong current can be dangerous and tiring to swim against.

How long do rip currents last?

The duration of rip currents can vary, from a few minutes to a few hours. It is important to stay calm and wait for help if you are caught in a situation.

Identify return currents

  • Look for the signs mentioned previously (chop water, breaking waves, etc.).
  • Ask a lifeguard if they have spotted any rip currents.
  • Look at the water from a higher vantage point for a better view.

What causes rip currents?

Rip currents are caused by the interaction of waves, tides and underwater topography. When waves break unevenly, water returns to the sea in concentrated channels.

Countercurrent versus Riptide

  • Return currents: These are narrow channels of fast-moving water that flow away from the shore.
  • Reflux: This is the general flow of water returning to the ocean floor after a wave breaks. You may feel like you’re being dragged downward, but it’s not as strong or dangerous as a rip current.