
Congressional Offshore Wind Caucus announces new co-chairs ahead of first meeting under new leadership

Today, the Congressional Offshore Wind Caucus announced its new slate of bipartisan leaders ahead of its first meeting led by the new co-chairs with industry and political stakeholders later this week.

The Offshore Wind Caucus is now led by the co-chairs:

· Representative Salud Carbajal (D-CA-24)

· Rep. Anthony D’Esposito (R-NY-04)

· Rep. Nick LaLota (R-NY-01)

· Rep. Jimmy Panetta (D-CA-19)

· Rep. Deborah Ross (D-NC-02)

· Rep. Bobby Scott (D-VA-03)

“As California’s central coast is earmarked to become one of the sites for the West Coast’s first offshore wind platforms, I am privileged to join the leadership of the bipartisan Congressional caucus committed to helping make these projects and others a reality.said Rep. Carbajal. “Harnessing wind energy off the coast of the United States is a win-win for our communities. This creates jobs, reduces air pollution from dirtier alternative fuels and puts us at the forefront of this growing global energy sector.

“Offshore wind energy continues to be a priority for federal policymakers as the United States works to develop a national plan for sustainable energy production that benefits all Americans and protects our national security. » D’Esposito said.. “Community feedback has been ignored by greedy developers and it is essential to incorporate these voices into the national debate over offshore wind power generation. I look forward to using my position as co-chair of the Offshore Wind Caucus to do just that.

“I am proud to announce the launch of the Congressional Offshore Wind Caucus, a critical step toward deepening discussion and collaboration. Including the Long Island perspective in these discussions ensures that our coastal communities are represented and our voices are heard by both the energy sector and communities impacted by offshore wind. I look forward to working with all my colleagues to build a great nation for all,” Rep. LaLota said.

“We need to take a thoughtful approach to offshore wind as we transition to clean energy and work to tackle the climate crisis. » Rep. Panetta said. “I am proud to work alongside my bipartisan Offshore Wind Caucus co-chairs to ensure coordination across levels of government as we deploy significant investments in offshore wind technology without sacrificing the local beauty we cherish. By giving everyone a seat at the table, no matter where they live or their political beliefs, we will more easily achieve our clean energy goals and do our part in protecting the planet.

“My home state of North Carolina continues to be a national leader in the development of offshore wind energy, and I am honored to join my bipartisan colleagues as co-chair of the Offshore Wind Caucus. » said Congresswoman Ross. “In North Carolina, we are ready to manufacture, build and operate the next wave of offshore wind projects and work with multiple industries and sectors to propel this industry forward. With my fellow co-chairs, we will work on bipartisan policies to harness the power of offshore wind energy to power homes, create jobs, and put us on the path to a cleaner energy future. Together, we can use the same wind that powered the Wright Brothers’ flight more than a hundred years ago to unlock the full potential of America’s clean energy and protect our planet for generations to come.

“I am proud to serve as co-chair of the bipartisan Offshore Wind Caucus as we address the climate crisis and advance clean energy. I have the honor of representing the Hampton Roads region of Virginia in Congress, a leading region in the manufacturing and deployment of offshore wind energy. I look forward to working with my fellow co-chairs and the rest of the caucus to leverage offshore wind energy to increase our supply of clean, domestic, affordable energy and create good jobs for American workers,” Rep. Scott said.

The Caucus will hold its first roundtable under new leadership later this week with industry and policy stakeholders to examine supply chain issues related to offshore wind development and opportunities to break the current barriers to making the United States a global leader in the offshore wind industry.

The bipartisan Offshore Wind Caucus now has 30 members from both sides of the aisle and from coastal states across the country.