
Morocco prepares to help Gaza discreetly

Morocco prepares to help Gaza discreetly

Morocco has avoided using media hype to reveal the amount of its aid to the Palestinian people and has taken a route known as “silent paramedic” to alleviate the suffering caused by the war to the inhabitants of the Gaza Strip for approximately nine months.

Morocco’s King Mohammed VI, president of the Al-Quds Committee, on Monday ordered the launch of a humanitarian operation aimed at delivering emergency aid to Gaza, including forty tonnes of medical supplies, including equipment to treat burns, surgical emergencies, orthopedics and fractures, as well as essential medicines.

Morocco has, and continues to have, a historic responsibility towards the Palestinian causeand works calmly and in accordance with its Arab and Islamic commitments, and obtains a practical benefit for citizens, the importance of which increases as the situation worsens due to the violent war which has led to a difficult humanitarian situation to support. in Gaza.

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Morocco is still very attentive to the case of Jerusalemwithin the framework of the Arab-Islamic consultation, and has an arm through which it works to provide assistance in a sustainable manner.

Morocco’s political and humanitarian role is welcomed by different Palestinian forces and factions; its objective is to help citizens, choose direct paths that serve their cause, alleviate the suffering of the people for many years and avoid entering into controversies with parties that have tried to use the war to their advantage and exploit its benefits. tragic results.

Moroccan political analyst Abdel Fattah Fatehi said his country has always paid great attention to the case of Jerusalem, within the framework of the Arab-Islamic relationship, and has an arm through which it works to provide aid. sustainable way, which is the Beit Mal Al-Quds agency, to which Morocco makes a significant and effective financial contribution.

In a daily statement Al-ArabFattah Fatehj affirmed that there are civilized, cultural and historical considerations in Morocco’s relationship with the Palestinian causewhich has forced him to resort to numerous means to support the Palestinian people, including the diplomatic effort which he places at the forefront of his interests.

He noted that Morocco has been unfairly exposed to attempts to undermine its right to maximize its political and humanitarian role towards the Palestinian people, in the context of geostrategic competition in the region, but the sustainability of aid and political efforts for peace has revealed the importance of its vital role.

Morocco adopted an innovative route to providing in-kind aid to its beneficiaries, using a land route to send food last Ramadan. confirming the royal commitment and constant attention that King Mohammed VI pays to the Palestinian cause.

Morocco was the first to open an unprecedented route since the outbreak of the war in Gaza, where aid is transported to Tel Aviv by air, from where it is transported to Gaza by land.

Professor of political science at Al-Quds University Ayman Al-Naqab assured Al-Arab that the aid efforts provided by the Kingdom of Morocco are appreciated by the population, and that there is awareness on the part of citizens and the Palestinian Authority on the nature of assistance and humanitarian efforts and policies provided by the Kingdom, and that the Gaza war demonstrates the efforts made by Morocco through aerial distribution operations and provision of aid by land, and that This is not the first time that direct orders have been issued by King Mohammed VI, but they are preceded by multiple acts.

He added that Morocco is one of the first Arab countries to provide aid without having any interest in obtaining political gain by supporting the Palestinian cause.which highlights the scale of the crisis and the need to manage practical mechanisms while blocking entry points for Israeli aid, leading to moving in different directions to quickly reach hundreds of thousands of people besieged inside the Gaza Strip.

Al-Naqab stressed that All countries that have peace agreements with Israel, including Morocco, can reach political solutions that contribute to a ceasefire, and do not require the Palestinians to sever diplomatic relations, but that they use them in the pursuit of peace and comply with international treaties and pacts related to the political solution of the Palestinian case.Morocco can play a role in pressuring Israel to help provide a vision that will lead to a political project that opens the prospect of a cessation of fighting in Gaza.

Moroccan medical assistance is part of a long tradition of effective solidarity with the Palestinian cause and continued royal care for the Palestinian people, which adds to ongoing initiatives by the Jerusalem Capital Agency to provide assistance to Jerusalem residents.

The Moroccan monarch’s humanitarian initiatives reflect his wise vision of providing effective and concrete support to the Palestinian people. and demonstrated that the Al-Quds Committee he chairs bears clear fingerprints.

The leader of the Fatah movement Jihad Al-Harazin acknowledged that the Palestinian people appreciate the aid that comes to them from Arab countries in generalaware of the nature of the obstacles raised by Israel, and declared: “The Moroccan presence in the provision of tens of tons of medical aid proves that the Kingdom has the capacity to deliver it in fact, and to overcome the restrictions imposed “. by war, which helps to save what can be saved, with thousands of trucks piling up on the Egyptian border with Gaza and the occupying forces are worried about transporting them.

In a statement to Al-Arabhe noted that the Moroccan monarch, as president of the Al-Quds Committee, was able to push for new ways of delivering aidwhich has already happened in recent months and has made the role of the Alawite monarch a tangible fact of support for the Palestinian cause and integrated work with other Arab roles.

Jihad Al-Harazin said that Morocco provides its aid without the need for rivalry with anyone, political noise or “media spectacle”, and that it does not stop providing its aid and that if it had wanted to get a media photo shoot, he would have been satisfied. with prior assistance. This attitude aroused a broad Palestinian welcome towards all of Morocco’s silent efforts, because the objective is to establish a state of security and stability in the region and to create the atmosphere conducive to its economic development.