
A Cuban’s frank message about the reality of immigrants

A Cuban’s frank message about the reality of immigrants

A Cuban immigrant took to TikTok to share his experience living in the United States. UNITED STATES and the reactions he often receives from his family and friends back on the island.

In the video, recorded from his car, the user @amadoernesto93 spoke about the hard work he puts in to support his loved ones. “As you all know, I have lived here for over two years, almost three years now, and like many others, I work like a mule to try to provide for my family Cuba all the best perks and everything,” Amado Ernesto begins his heartfelt message, expressing his frustration at feeling misunderstood by some relatives and acquaintances.

He also discussed the misconceptions many Cubans have about immigrant life in the United States: “Sometimes I’m at a loss for words when they think… they say ‘you’re in the United States, you’ you’re fine, you don’t have any power outages, you have plenty of food, you have a car.'”

Comments of support and understanding poured in in response to his video, with other users sharing their own experiences and thoughts on the reality faced by Cuban immigrants in the United States. “It’s tough. Unfortunately, there are ungrateful people who don’t appreciate the sacrifices that each of us makes to help in any way we can. Good luck and stay strong”; “Precisely, most Cubans are wrong and think that everything here is delivered to us on a silver platter”, “My brother, a free piece of advice: prioritize yourself first, then your parents (if they are in Cuba) and your children (if you have any). Everything else is secondary,” they commented.

Understanding the realities of Cuban immigrants in the United States

Here are some frequently asked questions and answers that dig deeper into the experiences and challenges faced by Cuban immigrants in the United States.

What are the most common misconceptions about Cuban immigrants in the United States?

Many people in Cuba believe that Cuban immigrants in the United States live without hardship, without power cuts, without food shortages, and without financial difficulties. However, the reality is that many immigrants work extremely hard to support themselves and their families back home.

How do Cuban immigrants in the United States support their families in Cuba?

Cuban immigrants often work long hours and hold multiple jobs to send money and resources to their families in Cuba. This effort represents a significant sacrifice, as they strive to provide better opportunities and living conditions for their loved ones.

What advice is given to Cuban immigrants facing these challenges?

A common piece of advice is to prioritize their own well-being first, followed by the well-being of their parents and children. This approach helps them maintain their health and stability, allowing them to better support their families in the long term.