
I’m ready to crown Zach Wilson Broncos QB1 after seeing how happy he looks in Italy with his model girlfriend

I’m ready to crown Zach Wilson Broncos QB1 after seeing how happy he looks in Italy with his model girlfriend

Look, it’s a slow week at Barstool and I need some pageviews. And when the Post needs page views, it turns to its bread and butter, whether it’s what Dave Portnoy ate for breakfast this morning, or Zach Wilson, the former Jets QB who doesn’t never looked so happy in photos to be gone. What does it mean ? You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink? I drink the Zach Wilson Kool-Aid.

Honestly, good for Zach. A trip to a place with the most magnificent scenery on the planet, like Positano, is what the brain needs after finishing minicamp. This is going to give you the confidence to go out and become QB1. Look at this guy and tell me he’s not built to win:

I can imagine this transition from the NYC/NJ subway from views like this:

For panoramic views of the Colorado River Reservoir like this:


That must be quite a change. But that’s not the point of this blog, the point of this blog is to ask you, the reader, how this guy can’t get the QB1 job:

It will be a Wilson winter at Mile High this year. Buckle up.