
Woman Ends Marriage After Finding Out Husband Calls Her SWMBO In Texts

Many of us use abbreviations in our daily lives.

Whether it’s LOL, BRB, or G2G, it’s clear that the shortened style of communication is only growing in popularity with the advent of phones.

However, it seems that in some cases, abbreviations – or code names – can sometimes do far more harm than good after a woman gets married after 10 years after finding out her husband called her SWMBO in text messages.

A woman has revealed why the SWMBO text led her to end her marriage after 10 years.  (Karl Tapales/Getty Images)

A woman has revealed why the SWMBO text led her to end her marriage after 10 years. (Karl Tapales/Getty Images)

She explained why she left her husband after discovering his nickname via text message.

Let’s not lie, we’ve all been there, our gaze accidentally – or not accidentally in some cases – falling on a picture, Instagram DM or text message that we weren’t supposed to see on our other half’s device.

And hell hath no fury like that of a woman who finds something she would rather not see on her partner’s cell phone.

One woman even decided to end her marriage because of a nickname she discovered when her husband’s phone rang while he was in the shower.

Before finding the text, the woman admitted that the dynamic between her and her partner had already changed after welcoming a baby.

Speaking to Mama Mia anonymously, she explained that “nothing changed” for her husband when their son was born and that he continued to play “sports on Thursday nights”, have “long Friday lunches” as well as “Friday night drinks” and she tried to support him “100 percent in his role as breadwinner for (their) family.”

However, tension rose between her and her husband because he “absolutely hated telling her what his plans were” and “claimed he didn’t have to.”

She explained why she found the text message so insulting.  (Tim Robberts/Getty Images)

She explained why she found the text message so insulting. (Tim Robberts/Getty Images)

The woman no longer knew when her husband would join her and their son, which led to the two men fighting a lot.

The text message she discovered was the icing on the cake.

One Friday morning, the woman’s husband was in the shower and his phone “kept ringing,” so she decided to check it in case it was urgent.

Instead of calling it an emergency, the wife saw a message from a group chat between her husband and his “sports club mates” organizing a “refurbishment” that evening, after having already had one a heavy one the night before.

Her husband had woken up at 8:00 a.m. and gone straight into the shower “without watching” her or their two-year-old, but managed to respond to her group chat: “I don’t think I can make it.” evening. SWMBO will say no.

The woman remained perplexed. What the hell did “SWMBO” mean?

Not only disconcerted by the nickname but also “annoyed” by the blame-shifting – her husband not having even talked to her about going out – the woman decided to confront him.

“He wasn’t angry because I looked at his phone. He was completely unconcerned about having to explain the message to me,” the woman continued. “‘It means ‘She who must be obeyed,'” he said casually.

The woman said the discovery was like a “slap in the face”.  (Jacques Julien/Getty Images)

The woman said the discovery was like a “slap in the face.” (Jacques Julien/Getty Images)

She added: “I felt like I had been slapped.”

The woman then expressed how she thought it was unfair that her husband claimed he had to “obey her” or “ask permission” as if he was “a teenager and (she) his mother.”

“It’s called respect. Courtesy by checking to see if you’re needed – to say what your plans are,” she said. “Otherwise, how is this a family?”

Left “mortified” by the nickname he gave her – this was made worse by the fact that no one in the chat questioned the abbreviation, insinuating he had used it before – the woman knew “ that there was no return.”

She resolved: “I would never, ever kiss, let alone sleep with, a man who called me that after 10 years together – even after becoming the mother of his son. It was no longer just about me: We deserved better.

“(…) Staying with a man who valued us so little was not an option. I took my baby and left my husband the following week.”

If you are experiencing distressing thoughts and feelings, the Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) is here to support you. They are open from 5 p.m. to midnight, 365 days a year. Their national number is 0800 58 58 58 and they also have a online chat service if you are not comfortable speaking on the phone.