
TVA Provides Summer Preparation Tips, Plans to Meet Customer Requests | WJHL

Emily Hibbitts and Doug Counts

11 minutes ago

ROGERSVILLE, Tenn. (WJHL) — The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) has shared information about its plans to meet customer demands this summer.

The TVA says it has conducted seasonal preparedness reviews and taken steps to ensure its production infrastructure is ready for weather conditions.

“If we have any problems, we let the company and the planning department know, so they can bring in an authority or something to meet the megawatt load we need,” said Kate Bowling, director from the John Sevier factory. “Currently, the valley is functioning very well. We did what we had to do legally. We respected the load every day. We had no problems. »

New additions include solar, energy storage, combustion turbines and combined cycle natural gas.

Bowling said the John Sevier plant powers nearly 150,000 homes.