
Khalil Karam to LBCI: Al Rahi’s previous positions confirm it is unfair to criticize him

Khalil Karam to LBCI: Al Rahi’s previous positions confirm it is unfair to criticize him

The president of the Maronite League, Ambassador Khalil Karam, said that while Cardinal Parolin’s visit is symbolically significant, the Vatican’s approach differs, but it has undeniably broken the impasse.

He said: “Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri asked Cardinal Parolin to speak with the Christian factions and ‘bring us a name, and we will move forward,’ and I believe that is true.”

On LBCI’s “Nharkom Said” TV show, Karam recalled that he spoke with Parolin about a year ago regarding education, healthcare and politics.

He added that he was dealing with the French, the Americans and all countries that had knowledge and interest in Lebanese affairs.

A document was given to Parolin and then submitted to the Synod and the Vatican, summarizing the eighth meeting in Brussels.

Karam explained that the Vatican cannot oppose Europe but must work to persuade it.

He stressed that the idea of ​​financing the return of displaced persons has become more feasible.

He stressed that it is unfair to criticize Maronite Patriarch Mar Bechara Boutros Al-Rahi, noting that there is a fierce campaign against him.

He said: “I supported the idea of ​​attending and expressing our views in front of everyone instead of boycotting. »

He reminded everyone of the position of the Patriarch, emphasizing that when he was elected in 2011, the war in Syria began and since then he has been carrying a heavy burden. When he spoke of calm and stability, the Western media attacked him.

He recounted another incident, saying: “During one of her visits to the Patriarch, American Ambassador Maura Connelly spoke about the delay in the formation of the government at the time. She complained that Hezbollah was behind the delay and called it a terrorist organization. »

He added: “However, the Patriarch responded that Hezbollah is not considered a terrorist organization, despite the differing opinions. Given all these positions of the Patriarch, it is unfair to criticize him and launch a campaign against him.”

Karam stressed that deep divisions among Christians are unacceptable.

He stressed that Lebanon’s constitution allows for dialogue, but stressed the importance of parliamentary procedures and presidential elections, especially as the Vatican strongly advocates for Lebanon to pursue coexistence as the best path forward.