
German Nazi Party AfD Caught Illegally Naturalizing Russians

Real Germans in East Berlin hate Putin. Their WWII memorials and museums make this clear by displaying Ukrainian flags and some even describe Putin as a modern-day Hitler.

Since February 24, 2022, only the Ukrainian flag has been raised in front of the museum, and no longer the Belarusian, German, Russian and Ukrainian flags as before. This is a sign that museum employees continue to condemn in the strongest possible terms the war of aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. (…) The Russian government is currently misusing the history of the Second World War for its war propaganda. The museum is categorically opposed to such exploitation.

It is therefore not surprising that German courts are not sympathetic when the modern Nazi Party in Germany (AfD) illegally brings Putin’s henchmen into its government.

An AfD employee fraudulently obtained a German passport, the court confirmed: the former employee of an AfD MP in the Bundestag has lost his German citizenship. According to information from SPIEGEL, he allegedly deceived the authorities during his naturalization procedure.

Along the same lines, Putin’s work in the KGB in the 1980s in the GDR involved training Nazi groups (disguised as football clubs), particularly in West Germany, in order to destabilize the political system.