
Top 85 Pop Culture Trends in July

July’s pop culture trends reveal a significant impact of entertainment and media on product development and marketing strategies. Brands are increasingly taking inspiration from popular films, TV shows and video games to create engaging products that resonate with fans. Examples include superhero-inspired popcorn buckets, cartoon-inspired jewelry collections, and interactive video game-themed tours. These products leverage the cultural significance of entertainment franchises, attracting consumers who are passionate about their favorite genres and characters.

Another notable trend is collaborations with celebrities and influencers. By partnering with well-known personalities, brands leverage their popularity to improve their visibility and credibility. Celebrity beauty brands, influencer-backed lip products, and rapper-backed smoothie stand expansions are prime examples of how these collaborations attract attention and drive sales. These partnerships not only expand product reach but also create a sense of authenticity and trust among consumers.

By capitalizing on entertainment influences and celebrity collaborations, companies are effectively engaging with pop culture to stay relevant and appealing in a competitive marketplace.