
Blake Fontenay, columnist and editorialist

Blake Fontenay is a third-generation journalist, following in the footsteps of his father and grandfather.

He vividly remembers childhood trips with his father to the Tennessean offices in Nashville. Blake started his own newspaper while in elementary school and, on at least one occasion, used money from his newspaper sales to pay for his city bus ride home from school.

After realizing in high school that a career as a professional football player was not an option, he focused on working as a journalist, columnist and columnist.

He has worked for newspapers in California, Colorado, Tennessee and Florida. His journalism career took a detour for eight years when he served as communications director for Tennessee state government, but he returned to the profession with a better perspective and a renewed sense of purpose.

He is now a community engagement columnist for TCPalm, focusing on Martin and St. Lucie counties, and a member of the editorial board.

Q:What is it like to be a columnist for TCPalm?

A: Being an opinion columnist on the Treasure Coast is like being a bear sitting on the bank of a river while the salmon are spawning. There are so many great stories to tell that it’s hard to prioritize what will get done from one week to the next. I try to focus on the topics that I think are most timely and of most interest to our readers. As part of this work, I can share my own thoughts on what I report, which I hope will contribute to their understanding of the issues.

Q: What do you like most about being a columnist?

A: All of that, actually. Most of all, I enjoy the freedom to pursue the stories that I believe should matter most. Plus, I don’t have to get trapped in the spinning cycle of just parroting,” he said, she said “from various sources.

Q:What is your most memorable story?

A:One of my favorite assignments a few years ago was following NASCAR driver Mark Martin for a week leading up to the Daytona 500 and writing first-person columns about his life each day. I also got to help out with the pit crew at one of the pre-races the day before the Daytona 500. It was exciting, even though I cut my hand carrying one of those heavy tires.

Q: What do you like to do outside of work?

A: Dragon boat racing with the Hell Gate Sea Dragons has become one of my favorite pastimes. For the uninitiated, dragon boats are like very large canoes with 10 (or, in some cases, 20) people paddling them. I also kayak and bike. My quieter activities include drinking kava and kratom, reading and writing books. I hope to publish a book this fall on the history of downtown Stuart during the 1980s and 1990s.

Contact Blake Fontenay by email at [email protected] or 772-232-5424.