
The elusive black cat Juno finally filmed with her beloved father

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Regardless of their age, pets mean a lot to their owners. They are part of the family and bring us unconditional love and joy every day. But how would you describe what they mean to you if someone asked you about your cat? This is what happened when a social media personality known as Oshu started talking to a gentleman named Mark about his beloved cat, Juno.

The duo became a “legend” to fans on TikTok. But for a while, the clever kitty Juno couldn’t be filmed.

Marks’ favorite name in the world: Juno

Joshua Robinson, aka Oshu, interviews people on the streets of the UK. He often asks them what kind of music they like. But topics can be just about anything. On many occasions it is I spoke to Mark, who is always friendly, well-spoken and enthusiastic. Over time, he became a fan favorite on TikTok and Instagram and local fame.

At some point, Oshu discovered Mark’s favorite name in the whole world.

“What’s the best name?” Oshu asked.

Joshua Robinson aka Oshu, oshuclips, Juno the cat, Mark and Juno, elderly man adores his perfect cat with the best name, UK, black cats, house panthers, 3

Joshua Robinson, aka Oshu, speaks to Mark. Images via Instagram/oshuclips And TikTok/joshua.robinson

Without hesitation, Mark replied, “My cat’s name is Juno and it suits her very well. So let’s choose Juno as the perfect name!”

“She is incredibly expressive and intelligent; she is a perfect cat!” he said later.

Everyone wanted to see Juno

For some time now, everyone has been hoping to see this kitten so dear to his dad again. But as Mark explains, Juno seems to prefer her privacy. Plus, she apparently has an almost supernatural ability to anticipate what’s going to happen next!

“You will never be able to meet Juno. She’s extraordinarily good at knowing what’s going to happen next, outwitting people who are going to catch her,” Mark said.

Joshua Robinson aka Oshu, oshuclips, Juno the cat, Mark and Juno, elderly man loves his perfect cat who has the best name, UK, black cats, house panthers, 1

If Juno senses that people are coming to see her, she might make a daring leap out of an upstairs window and disappear. So, for a long time, she remained an intriguing mystery. Was she a mythological creature?

“With this kind of courage and intelligence, it seems like she will always defeat us!” This time, it didn’t evaporate, it flew! » said Marc.

It later turned out that they managed to capture Juno with Mark on camera, much to the delight of thousands!

Video via Instagram/oshuclips And TikTok/joshua.robinson

Mark and Juno finally appear together

Having become famous on Instagram for talking about Juno, Marks says people now recognise him and ask how the cat is doing. He calls her “the best cat in the world”, who takes care of him “all the time”. He particularly loves her “yellow eyes and her little black face”.

Every morning, Mark wakes up to a little kiss from his beloved cat.

“The first thing I see in the morning is a little black cat curled up next to my head, waiting for me to open my eyes. And as soon as I open my eyes, she kisses me on the face!” Marc explained.

Joshua Robinson aka Oshu, oshuclips, Juno the Cat, Mark and Juno, Old Man Loves His Perfect Cat Who Has the Best Name, UK, Black Cats, Pet Panthers, 6

At 80, Mark explains that Juno, now two years old, is his last kitty. And her company makes every day brighter for him and his daughter Susanna, who admits that she is “a very nice cat!” »

Joshua Robinson aka Oshu, oshuclips, Juno the cat, Mark and Juno, elderly man adores his perfect cat with the best name, UK, black cats, domestic panthers, 4

Finally, we see Mark and his beloved cat together, and it’s incredibly touching to see! They clearly mean a lot to each other. As many have commented online, “I’m not crying. You’re crying!”

You can see more about Joshua Robinson Instagram And Tick ​​Tock.

Joshua Robinson aka Oshu, oshuclips, Juno the cat, Mark and Juno, elderly man adores his perfect cat with the best name, UK, black cats, domestic panthers, 5

Below you can see more of Mark, Juno and his daughter Susanna.

Video via Instagram/oshuclips And TikTok/joshua.robinson

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