
American Airlines Passenger Caught Vaping In Flight, Crew Does Nothing

American Airlines passenger caught vaping in mid-flight, crew does nothing

An American Airlines passenger was caught vaping in his economy seat. The passenger behind him who filmed it was appalled – and complained that the cabin crew “wouldn’t do anything” about it. I suspect this passenger didn’t say anything to the flight attendants and was simply passive aggressive – the crew would probably have told the man to stop. Maybe he just disappeared into the sea of ​​coach customers and went unnoticed?

A year ago, an American Airlines passenger was caught on camera snorting coke at his seat. A much more serious matter!

But it seems more and more people are vaping on planes. Last year I was on a long-haul flight and a passenger was openly vaping. The door to his suite was even open.

Just a week and a half ago, a Delta Air Lines passenger decided to vape on the jet bridge before boarding.

I took a vape just before taking the plane✅
byu/Great_Significance_8 indelta

Another Delta Air Lines passenger was kicked off a flight before departure for vaping in March. She also did it in the open air, in full view of the passengers and crew.


How to get kicked off a plane

♬ Original sound – TipsyTalk

@tipsytalk In response to @jpg mafia ♬ original sound – TipsyTalk

Smoking is prohibited on an airplane. Vaping is also prohibited. The FAA has interpreted the ban on cigarette smoking to include vaping products, even though they are very different. According to the regulations,

The NPRM stated that the reasons for the statutory and regulatory ban on smoking also apply to the ban on e-cigarettes.

This is the case even though the FAA rule explicitly allows a passenger to vape if it comes from a “medically beneficial substance.” So it’s not a ban on vaping. The rule simply extends the cigarette ban to e-cigarettes, which were not contemplated when the law banning smoking on board was passed. While decision look was explicitly noted in the Supreme Court’s decision last week, if it is taken now without the benefit of Chevron In deference, would the FAA be able to ban vaping without statutory authorization?

Furthermore, the problem does not come from the batteries, as some people wrongly believe. Laptops, cell phones, tablets and noise-cancelling headphones are permitted. And airlines have procedures – and grab bags – for dealing with aberrant in-flight problems. But there is a stigma against vaping, and other passengers might think vapers are smoking a cigarette when they are not.

The first airline to create a non-smoking area was United in 1971. No U.S. airline completely banned smoking worldwide until Delta in 1994. U.S. airlines have always been allowed to offer smokers on board until 2000. However, planes are still equipped with ashtrays! You’ll usually find them in or near the restrooms, because patrons may smoke even though it’s illegal — and they need a place to put out their cigarettes. Without an ashtray, they would most likely have put out their cigarettes in the toilet trash can…and set fire to the discarded paper inside.