
Home Secretary urged to consider change to catapult law following Sky News investigation into animal abuse

An MP has called on the Home Secretary to consider introducing sanctions on the irresponsible sale or use of catapults to kill or harm wildlife, following a Sky News investigation.

The report exposed a UK-wide network in which children – some of primary school age – shared images and photos of their murders in WhatsApp groups.

Warning: This story contains images and descriptions that readers may find disturbing.

Although it is not illegal to purchase or transport a catapult, causing unnecessary suffering to an animal is already an offense under the Animal Welfare Act 2006.

The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, which protects wild birds and certain animals in England and Wales, also lists weapons that a person must not use to kill an animal. However, catapults are not on this list.

MP Henry Smith, vice-chair of the all-party parliamentary group for animal welfare, asked in the House of Commons on Thursday whether Home Secretary James Cleverly would consider changing the law.

“Over the past few weeks I have been working with Sky News on their investigation into the purchase and misuse of catapults, sadly too often by children and young people to kill and maim wildlife and domestic animals,” he said.

“And too often, videos (of these incidents) are shared on social media through channels such as WhatsApp.

“Can we have a statement from the Home Secretary on the introduction of criminal penalties for the irresponsible sale and use of catapults to kill and damage wildlife?”

House Leader Penny Mordant MP said she would brief Mr Cleverly on the matter.

“This is a worrying and growing phenomenon,” she said.

“And in addition to causing suffering to animals, it is also, as we now know, an indicator of what these perpetrators might be committing and what other crimes they might be committing.

“This is a serious issue and I thank the honourable member for raising it.”

Sky News discovered almost 500 members of catapult groups on WhatsApp, in which more than 350 photos and videos of animals killed or injured with the weapons were shared.

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Some videos showed wounded animals slowly dying after being shot with hand-held catapults.

In others, youths were seen kicking and abusing the animals after shooting them – and posing while holding their corpses.

The RSPCA described the content of the groups as “horrible” and warned it was an “emerging trend”.

The “sick” attacks have prompted calls for a change in the law, as catapults are not considered illegal weapons and can be purchased and transported legally.

Targeted animals include pigs, deer, pigeons, foxes, squirrels, pheasants, rabbits, geese and ducks – with a charity claiming to have seen an “exponential” increase in the number of birds injured by catapults .

WhatsApp said the content shared in Catapult groups was against its terms of service.

A spokesperson for the messaging app told Sky News: “We respond to law enforcement requests based on applicable law and policy.”

Sky News has contacted the Home Office for comment.