
Take the time to stop and (drink) the rosés


##Photo by Josh Chang/Foundry 503

A day in wine country is good for your health

By Michele Francisco, OWP Editor-in-Chief

I was born in summer, which may be why this season is my favorite. Watching puffy white clouds drift across the sky, listening to the birds sing their songs, feeling the warmth of the sun, smelling the intoxicating aroma of blooming flowers: I love it all. And what a perfect time to visit the wine region.

The vineyard terraces and lawns are spaces conducive to relaxation and appreciation of the surrounding nature. Follow the birds of prey as they fly above the vines while butterflies and bees flit among the flowers. You might encounter cats, chickens and, probably, dogs. Feel your heart rate slowing down. Breathe, relax and savor every sip from your glass.

Study after study has proven that being in nature improves physical, psychological and social well-being. Natural environments ground us – it’s no surprise how levels of anxiety, depression and high blood pressure are reduced. Could this be why so many people fall in love with wine? Sure, they admire it but also the deeper connection it establishes with Mother Nature. The slower pace of life.

If maintaining your vineyard requires effort, many winegrowers admit that they can’t imagine doing anything else. Working among the rows of vines – literally tending to the fruits of their labor – is extremely rewarding. Many of us can only dream of watching birds soar above us while we work. Spending an afternoon at a winery offers a dose of these healthy benefits, without the sweat.

In a unique way, wine connects us directly to the natural world. I can’t think of a better excuse… no, reason, to plan a day in wine country. Can you?

Michele Francisco spent her childhood reading and writing, and eventually earned an English degree from UCLA.
She attended graphic design school and began a career in design and marketing. After moving to Oregon in 2010, Michele studied wine at Chemeketa Community College and started Winerabble, a Northwest-focused wine blog. She has been a supporter of Oregon wine since her arrival.