
They are trying to silence me – Mee Maria because of a lawsuit – News

Gay activist Wendelinus Hamutenya says the veterans’ association is trying to silence him by suing him for N$1.5 million.

The Plan Veterans Association (FPCA) has launched legal action against Hamutenya, also known as Meme Maria, in the High Court.

In court documents, the association claims Hamutenya referred to former fighters of the People’s Liberation Army of Namibia (Plan) as sexually debauched people, witches and practitioners of sorcery. Hamutenya allegedly made the remarks in a TikTok video last year.

The association, which has 1,388 members, also said Hamutenya called its members stupid and that their brains were upside down.

However, Hamutenya told The Namibian on Thursday that he noted with “gratification” that the war veterans had chosen to take legal action against him for criticising (not insulting) them over what he called public anti-gay statements.

“They are simply trying to silence me, a goal they will never achieve. To my knowledge, they seem to have little knowledge of the law, and no one really blames them… their understanding of these things may be limited.

Hamutenya said he was not concerned about the veterans taking legal action for defamation because he had not made any statements about them that could reasonably be considered defamatory.

“All I said was in retaliation for the unwarranted insults that were first hurled at me.” Hamutenya said his comments were not motivated by malice nor did they justify demanding such a “ridiculous” amount. Hamutenya added that some of the aggrieved persons were only supporters of the struggle and had not waged the war to liberate the country.

“Did they fight?” What jungle were they in? I’m a war veteran too, maybe they don’t know that. Why are they against homosexuals or against me in this country? »

Hamutenya also said he was baffled by the amount requested by the Plan veterans, saying it is not as rich as the veterans may think.

“Sometimes people are threatened by gays and lesbians because they fear their own impulses…Whoever asks me for war will get it, especially these veterans,” Hamutenya said.

FPCA spokesperson Charles Mubita told The Namibian newspaper yesterday that he was unable to comment on the matter as it is before court. FPCA was created in November 2020 and is a subsidiary of Swapo. It includes veterans who were part of Swapo’s military wing, Plan. Swapo has condemned homosexuality and same-sex marriage in Namibia.

The party also rejected last year’s Supreme Court ruling requiring the state to recognize same-sex marriages performed outside the country.

Swapo Party Youth League secretary Ephraim Nekongo told the media last year that homosexuality had no basis in Namibian laws.

“The Swapo Party-led government should therefore avoid being complicit in furthering the demonic agenda of dark forces that seek to undermine our principles, our culture and every moral fiber on which the functionality of our society rests,” a- he declared.

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