
Message from GP Coleman to members

Brothers and sisters from across Canada,

Happy Canada Day from myself and the SMART Executive Council. Wherever you are today, in cities and towns across the provinces and territories, I hope you are able to take time to relax with friends and family.

Canada Day commemorates Canada’s Confederation Day in 1867. And since that day, even before, trade unionists in the labour movement have been courageously organizing, striving to improve working and living conditions for workers. all Canadians.

Unionized sheet metal workers and roofers have played a vital role in the country’s progress throughout its history. And today, SMART Canada members have an equally vital role to play, from building the green economy of our sustainable future to helping attract new members to our trades.

The Government of Canada has set a goal of achieving a net-zero emissions society by 2050. This is an ambitious and important goal, and you, the sheet metal workers and roofers, are the ones who will make it happen. From installing green roofs that help reduce carbon emissions to improving the energy efficiency of building envelopes in schools, office buildings and new housing, our members will be essential to Canada’s future.

We are already seeing the benefits of a worker-focused green transition, such as the proposed NextStar electric vehicle battery plant in southwestern Ontario. I am proud to say that SMART Canada is seizing these opportunities to help more families access the better life we ​​offer: by recruiting new members, organizing non-union workers, and spreading the word about careers in our trades. As I mentioned earlier, Canada’s rich history is intertwined with the labour movement. Our bright future will be, and it is up to all of us to be organizers, to help our colleagues achieve the freedom and dignity of a union career, and to welcome everyone, no matter who they are, into our union.

Finally, as you celebrate Canada Day with your loved ones, I hope you will join me in paying tribute to the generations of Canadians who have made the ultimate sacrifice to protect our freedoms and our democracy.

Happy Canada Day. Enjoy this holiday and stay safe!