
Bluebridge ferry cancellations worsen Cook Strait crossing problems

Picton Ferry Terminal - Bluebridge Ferry

Picton Ferry Terminal – Bluebridge Ferry
Photo: Brya Ingram / Tips and Tricks

Heavy swells expected in Cook Strait have forced Bluebridge to cancel some ferry crossings for Wednesday.

Interislander has also cancelled all its sailings from Tuesday evening to Thursday morning.

Bluebridge is cancelling the 7:45am departure to Wellington and the 8:15am service to Picton tomorrow morning.

“All customers affected by these cancellations have been informed via email and SMS,” Bluebridge said on its website.

The company said it was monitoring the forecast and would contact customers if other sailings were affected.

A high swell warning is in effect off the Wairarapa coast for 21 hours from 6pm tonight.

MetService said waves and southerly swells would reach 5 to 6 metres between Turakirae Head and Mataikona.

The period of highest risk is generally one to two hours before high tide.

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