
“Oh, I Had a Lot of Concerns”: Patrick Stewart Wanted to Keep Next Generation Cast Out of Star Trek: Picard for One Big Reason

Sir Patrick Stewart can claim an award for the long list of roles he has played over the course of his illustrious career. He has proven that some of the most iconic films and franchises would not have been the same without his special presence. From Macbeth to X-Men, he has become synonymous with his roles.

Patrick Stewart. Credits: Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons

However, his most iconic role remains that of Captain Jean-Luc Pickard in the popular science fiction series Star Trek: The Next Generations. The 1987 series was iconic because Stewart played the role effortlessly, and it was his acting that won over fans.

Despite his immense success and fan following across the globe, the Green Room actor was hesitant to take his cast to the next installment of the franchise, namely Star Trek: Picard. He had one main reason behind it.

Sir Patrick Stewart has not…