
The Bible is not silent on human life or abortion. Here’s how we know that.

The Bible is an influential authority on the moral views of the world’s 2.4 billion Christians who look to the holy book for guidance on how to live a Christlike life. Yet when it comes to induced abortion (the direct and intentional killing of unborn children), many of these same Christians turn a blind eye to what the Bible says. Some even falsely claim that the Bible offers no guidance on how to live a Christian life. any of them thoughts on abortion, while others falsely claim that the Bible is “pro-choice.”

But as a recent Live Action video pointed out, the Bible is 100% pro-life:

When life begins

The Christian faith is centered on the belief that God became human in the creation of Jesus Christ at the end of the world. moment of conception (fertilization). Christianity teaches that God did not become human at birth or at the age of 18, but at the exact moment Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit inside his mother Mary.

There is a telling scene in Luke’s Gospel when Mary greets her cousin Elizabeth. Both women are pregnant: Mary with Jesus and Elizabeth with John the Baptist. When Elizabeth hears Mary’s greeting, Luke explains that John the Baptist “jumped in her mother’s womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. And she cried out with a loud voice, and said, Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. And how is it that the mother of my Lord comes to me? For, behold, as soon as the sound of your greeting sounded in my ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy.

Elizabeth called Jesus “my Lord” while he was still in his mother’s womb, and John the Baptist, who was not yet born, leapt for joy. The Bible makes it clear that both Jesus and John were living human beings in the early stages of life before birth.

In this passage, the Greek word “brephos” is used for “baby” and “infant.” This term is used elsewhere in the New Testament to refer to both the child in the womb and the child already born. In other words, a child not yet born is considered as the like a child born in the Bible.

Therefore, since Jesus did In Matthew 19:18 he clearly speaks against murder (which is ultimately abortion), this command to abstain from murder would apply to all human beings equally, including human beings still in the womb. In Matthew 15:19-20 he emphasizes that murder is an “evil thought” that “will defile the man.” In Matthew 5:21-22 he also says that murderers “will be liable to judgment.”

The recognition of the full humanity of life in the womb is not only found in the prenatal accounts of Jesus and John. It is also routinely present in Scripture, including the Old Testament in which children are systematically mentioned as being “conceived and born” – notnot just “born”.

The first example is Eve’s pregnancy with Cain. The Bible States“And the man had relations with his wife Eve, and she conceived. and gave birth to Cain.” Similar wording is found in several verses in Genesis, including “Cain had relations with his wife, and she conceived and gave birth to Enoch” and “Sarah conceived and gave birth to Abraham.”

God’s promise to Abraham was that the world would be blessed through his descendants, a promise that begins to be fulfilled with the conception of Isaac. The Bible continues to speak of the humanity of children in the womb in the story of Isaac’s children, Jacob and Esau, who are described as wrestling together in the womb of their mother Rebecca, with the Lord declarant“Two nations are in your womb.”

In the book of Judges, God educated The mother of an unborn child, Samson, was not to eat certain foods, because Samson was to be “a Nazarite to God from his mother’s womb.” Samson, while still in his mother’s womb, lived with the dietary restrictions that were part of a Nazarite’s special declaration to God.

Furthermore, Psalm 139 says that God “wove me together in my mother’s womb,” and in Isaiah 49, God formed Isaiah “in his mother’s womb to be his servant.” Jeremiah states, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I sanctified you.”

In the New Testament, St. Paul writes that God “set me apart from my mother’s womb.”

All human beings have dignity

The Bible clearly states that a new human being exists at the moment of fertilization, so when it speaks of the dignity of human beings, it is also speaking of unborn children.

In the first chapter of the Bible, it is said that God created all human beings in his image. In the ancient Near East, it was generally believed that only the king was created in the image of God, but the Bible introduces the understanding that this is true for all. all human beings, without distinction of age, sex, race, ability, nationality or origin, from the moment of conception until natural death. All human beings have inherent, distinct and equal worth and dignity.

The Bible states that it is morally wrong to kill innocent human beings. The fifth commandment prohibits direct and intentional murder. as being seriously sinful. The Scriptures are specific about what the fifth commandment means, “Thou shalt not kill,” which means “Thou shalt not kill the innocent and the righteous.”

Beyond the Scriptures

Beyond the Bible, the Catechism of the Catholic Church explains that the Fifth Commandment prohibits the deliberate killing of an innocent person because it is “gravely contrary to the dignity of the human being, to the Golden Rule, and to the holiness of the Creator.” It also specifies that this commandment prohibits the act of murder as well as voluntary cooperation in murder, and states: “Infanticide, fratricide, parricide, and the murder of a spouse are particularly serious crimes because of the natural ties they break. Concern for eugenics or public health cannot justify any murder, even if ordered by public authority.”

Furthermore, early Christians also understood that killing innocent human beings was wrong at any stage of life. One of the earliest Christian documents, outside of the New Testament, is called the Didache, the teaching of the Twelve Apostles. It states: “You shall not kill an infant by abortion, nor one born.”

The Justice Department jailed a pro-life grandmother for protesting the killing of unborn children. Please take 30 seconds to TELL CONGRESS: STOP THE YOUTH MINISTER FROM TARGETING PRO-LIFE AMERICANS.