
Source: Back to Harris – Insider NJ

Another day, another torture chamber with the words “We finally beat Medicare” swirling in the sewers of the mind and lingering longer than the day.

So what ?

The country.


Haggard, harassed, depressed, but still motivated to find a way out of this mess, one party source pleaded, “Please give him time,” as if someone or something would reach President Joe Biden by the end of the week and persuade him to drop out of the race.

But what’s the alternative, InsiderNJ asked.

“Kamala,” the source whispered. “It has to be…Kamala.”

Like Vice President Kamala Harris.

MSNBC’s Steve Kornacki just finished explaining why Harris has worse numbers than Biden, even after the debate.

But party leaders are concerned about the impact of dumping Biden and Harris, aware of the unfairness of the president’s debate performance also burying his number two.

“It’s sensitive. Maybe. She. Can. Beat. Him,” the source said, referring, of course, to President Donald J. Trump, amid the hothouse of party unrest in the wake of Biden’s bumbling performance.

Another poll shows Harris is “within striking distance” of the Republican presidential nominee.

“The poll… finds that 47% of registered voters support Trump, 45% Harris, a result within the margin of error that suggests there is no clear leader in such a scenario. Harris’s slightly better performance against Trump is based at least in part on broader support among women (50% of women voters support Harris over Trump vs. 44% for Biden over Trump) and independents (43% Harris vs. 34% Biden).”

If it wasn’t Biden, it would be Harris, the source reiterated.

It is too difficult to right the state’s aircraft carrier with someone else at the helm.

“This is about Trump, not Biden,” the source tried to say with mixed hope, as a little more oxygen had just left the room, with the Supreme Court’s decision this week granting Trump partial immunity from special counsel Jack Smith’s election subversion case.

In other words, another big victory for Trump.

According to CNN:

“While the 6-3 decision technically allows Smith to move the prosecution toward resolution, Chief Justice John Roberts’ majority opinion left many technical questions unanswered — making it increasingly unlikely that a trial could begin before the November election.”

The test balloons showed more variety than the thought balloons scrawled with the same three words from hell, though Harris emerged by day’s end as the most likely replacement if Biden bowed out.

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