
Democrats: Use decision to stop MAGA movement – ​​Santa Cruz Sentinel

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With the recent SCOTUS decision on presidential immunity, I think it is time for Democrats to stop whining about the decision and begin using it immediately to staunch the seditious behavior of the MAGA movement and Donald Trump.

The SCOTUS ruling applies to the office of the presidency not to Donald Trump as a person; So Democrats use the new tool given to you by SCOTUS to your full advantage. You know that is exactly what the MAGAs will do if they get back into power.

Round them all up at the upcoming MAGA convention in Milwaukee along with Supreme Court Justices Roberts, Thomas, Alito and Kavanaugh and incarcerate them all at Guantanamo Bay for seditious behavior.

When they try to appeal they will face a 3-to-2 progressive majority at SCOTUS.

— Gary M. Nolan, Aptos

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