
Elizabethton Mayor Curt Alexander Announces Run for State House Seat –

Elizabethton Mayor Curt Alexander Announces Run for State House Seat –

Elizabethton Mayor Curt Alexander Announces Candidacy for State House Seat

Published at 4:31 p.m. on Friday, July 5, 2024

Elizabethton Mayor Dry Alexander announces his candidacy for the open seat for the fourth district State of Tennessee House District 4 at THE Primary of August 1st election. The district covers part of Carter County and all Unicoi County. John Claw-Hols Jr. occupied the seat for the last ten years And Is not He is seeking re-election for another term. Alexandre served on the Elizabethton City Council since 2004 and has summer the mayor since 2006, manufacturing him the the longest portion mayor of Elizabethton history.

Born In Elizabethton, Alexander is the son of the late Richard Alexander of Elizabethton and the late Kathy Heaton Alexandre de Roan Mountain. He graduated from Elizabethton High School in 1990. He also graduated from East Tennessee State University with A SBA In Accounting as as well as A Master of Business Administration (MBA). He was Financial Advisor since 2001 and is A Certified Professional Financial Planner (CFP). He also served as a Assistant Professor of Accounting and Finance at ETSU since 2002. Him and his wife Audra has four children: Ava, 11; Alaina, 9; Curt, 7; and Isla, 3.

Alexander said, “I felt he It was time to serve our community in a different way. I wanted has TO DO sure that Education at all levels continues to be funded, grants and infrastructure funding keep on going has flow into our district, and most importantly, remind Nashville that the state NE END In “Knoxville.”

Alexander stressed that he was qualified for the position because of proven experience track record of get completed projects.

“If You look at Elizabethton before 2004 and up until today, over a period of 20 years, We have been able to carry out numerous investment projects, including the complete reconstruction of all electric substations, major investments in all our schools, new meters for both water/sewer and electrical systems, construction of a surface water treatment plant on Wilbur Lake, construction of a new animal shelter and the construction of a new police department.Alexander said.

“We have also from borrowing to buy capital goods to actually buying all property, plants and equipment with cash reserves to eliminate interest costs. This has allowed We has keep property taxes low and also allowed us has look transmit by provide the necessary “We need to focus on the infrastructure needed for the next decade,” he said.

“I am a believing in restricted government. Tennessee has one of the best managed budgets In THE country. My experience with accounting and finances will help us as we continue has balance THE budget each year. As your representative, I oppose additional taxes on the families in our neighborhood and THE State. I I’m in it too service of tax relief on the races and other households Items,” Alexander said.

Alexander explain In order to develop employment growth In the neighborhood, it is essential to work with our universities and Tennessee College from Applied Technology to provide training Workforce For potential employers.

“If elected, I will work with the governor and legislature has TO DO of course our district is considered for economic reasons expansion. We have the ideal location for businesses to set up here, with OUR qualified the workforce, as well as our bottom cost of “A place to live and enjoy great outdoor activities.”

Alexander has also been actively involved with the Northeast Tennessee Regional Recovery Center. This project transformed the former Roan Mountain work camp into a drug rehabilitation center. This facility offers long-term treatment that can address alcohol and drug problems. Vocational training will also be provided.

“Northeast Tennessee is struggling with drug addiction and this facility will help those who want to become contributing members of society. Drug addiction does not discriminate. It can and does affect all levels of society. Fortunately, Judges Rice and Street saw this need and worked tirelessly to make it happen. We will be a better society because of it,” Alexander said.

Alexander stress THE importance of send someone to Nashville who is not afraid of work. As a young boy, he would get up early every morning to feed the chickens and pack eggs for delivery to the family farm. He then helped load the delivery trucks before go to school. After school he cleaned and refueled the trucks for the next school. day. It helped him develop an admiration for farmers and the long hours of hard work they put in each day in order to put food on our tables.

“I I know what it’s like to get up early and work hard. I’ve done he Since I was a boy with me my father’s egg business and I will continue to work hard In Nashville. I was never given anything. I had to work hard for everything I accomplished. I’m proud of and I think it makes me appreciate the life I’ve been blessed with today. This has also allowed me to to relate to citizens also on a personal level.

Alexander is a supporter of the Second Amendment and legal immigration through proper channels. He also wants to find ways to combat the homeless problem in the district.

Elections will be held on August 1, 2024, with early voting beginning in July. 12 and running until July 27.