
President McCluskie and Senator Roberts Tour Grand County, Meet with School and Business Leaders

President McCluskie and Senator Roberts Tour Grand County, Meet with School and Business Leaders

President McCluskie and Senator Roberts Tour Grand County, Meet with School and Business Leaders
Sen. Dylan Roberts, West Grand Superintendent Elizabeth Bauer and Assembly Speaker Julie McCluskie stand outside West Grand High School during a tour of Grand County this week.
Julie McCluskie’s Office/Courtesy Photo

House Speaker Julie McCluskie and Sen. Dylan Roberts were in Grand County this week speaking with local businesses and school officials about the new legislation. They also discussed the new school funding formula intended to increase funding equity and better support rural districts.

Superintendents and school board chairs from the East Grand and West Grand school districts met with McCluskie and Roberts while they were in the county. East Grand will see a nearly 30 percent increase and West Grand will see a roughly 17 percent increase in funding under the new school funding formula sponsored by McCluskie, according to a news release from his office.

“The new school funding formula I sponsored this year will significantly increase funding for Grand County schools, which districts can use to increase teacher salaries, reduce class sizes and invest in our students so every child can thrive,” McCluskie said in the press release.

They also visited the YMCA of the Rockies – Snow Mountain Ranch and Sisu Farms in Granby. McCluskie spoke with summer campers and constituents about new legislation she championed that aims to boost rural economies and protect Colorado’s water resources and agriculture industry.

Senator Dylan Roberts and Assembly Speaker Julie McCluskie toured the YMCA – Snow Mountain Ranch during their visit to Grand County this week.
Julie McCluskie’s Office/Courtesy Photo

Other topics discussed included establishing a passenger rail line, reducing property taxes, lowering the cost of health care and affordable housing.

“It was great to hear from voters, business owners and school leaders about their hopes and dreams for our state and how the new laws will protect our water, support Colorado agriculture, cut taxes for small businesses and reduce the cost of housing, child care and health care,” McCluskie said.