
Meet 10 St. Joseph County Youth Working to Make the World a Better Place

Meet 10 St. Joseph County Youth Working to Make the World a Better Place

Over the next five weeks, The Tribune will profile 10 young people who are making a difference in the South Bend area and beyond.

You may already know some of them, but whether they’re already in the spotlight or have escaped the public eye because of their efforts, these young people are working to improve the lives of their neighbors.

Check them out every Sunday and Tuesday at, and look for them on the front page of the print edition every Monday and Wednesday.

You’ll meet a wide variety of local young people engaged in a wide variety of useful work. A teenage girl who started a business with a classmate to help those most in need in hotter climates find relief from the heat. Another student who started his own business, promoted a local nonprofit, and plans to become a pastor. Another who, while still in high school, contributed to groundbreaking cancer research at the University of Notre Dame. Too many to spoil all the surprises here.

It is better to meet them on our website or in our pages.

This is a repeat of a project from last summer, when The Tribune profiled 10 local women who are making a difference in the community. If you know of a story we should share, email us at [email protected], and please use the subject line Making a Difference.

Cory Havens is the Tribune’s Business Editor.