
Veteran Lou Ness Encourages Women to Consider Military – Shaw Local

Veteran Lou Ness Encourages Women to Consider Military – Shaw Local

The 1960s were a transformative decade, especially in the military, and for women veterans of the time, they were particularly difficult. Veteran Lou Ness’ story is an interesting one.

“I enlisted in 1967 to become a medic, but during basic training I won a talent show and was assigned to sing and dance for other soldiers,” she said. “We would go to Air Force and Navy bases to perform, and then we would go on tour to perform for guys coming out of basic training and going to Vietnam.”

After nearly two years, Lou got married and then became pregnant, ending her military service. Now a training and development professional, Lou continues to use the strategies she learned in the military, including training people to succeed or fail as a unit and having the mindset to support each other.

One of the biggest challenges she faced after leaving the military was the lack of support from others in the communities she lived in over the years. “Women weren’t treated very well back then; some of the behaviors of men weren’t considered,” she says. “My mother, who was a welder in the shipyards during World War II, taught me how to stand up for myself.”

While searching for community in the Chicago area, Lou joined a VFW, but women were not welcome there. The Women’s Auxiliary Corps was not what she was looking for, as it was geared toward veterans’ wives.

Because of her lifelong perseverance, she is now the commander of the Woodstock American Legion and has recruited another woman to be a vice commander. “I am always looking for other women veterans who can make a difference and encourage other women to join the military,” she said. “The military has changed dramatically and is invaluable to women now. It’s about discovering your potential. And the benefits are incredible, from health care to education and so much more.”

For further information please contact your local recruiting office or:

Veterans Assistance Commission

667 Ware Road

Woodstock, IL 60098

Tel.: 815-334-4229

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