
President Joe Biden announces he is dropping out of re-election race

President Joe Biden announces he is dropping out of re-election race

President Joe Biden announces he is dropping out of re-election race

July 21, 2024 Mike Smith

Article presented by Ross CTC Pickup…

US President Joe Biden has announced that he is dropping his bid for re-election in 2024. The announcement was made on his “X” post on Sunday afternoon.

The president said he would remain in office until the end of his term, which runs until January 20, 2025.

“While I intend to run for re-election, I believe it is in the best interests of my party and the country that I step aside and focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term. I will speak more fully to The Nation about my decision later this week.”

President Biden has said he is endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for the Democratic Party’s nomination, which is expected to be decided at their national convention in August.

“Dear fellow Democrats, I have decided not to accept the nomination and will focus all of my energy on serving as President for the remainder of my term. My very first decision as the party’s nominee in 2020 was to choose Kamala Harris as my Vice President. And it was the best decision I have ever made. Today, I want to offer my full support and endorsement to Kamala Harris to be our party’s nominee this year. Democrats, it is time to come together and defeat Trump. Let’s do it.”

It is the last time a US president has announced his intention not to seek re-election this year, since Lyndon Johnson announced he would not seek re-election in March 1968.