
Message to the conference announcing the support of the majority of the House for the…

Message to the conference announcing the support of the majority of the House for the…

Maryam Rajavi:This regime is unreformable and no one within the regime has the will or the capacity to reform it.

Honorable Members of Congress,
I appreciate the bipartisan initiative of the House of Representatives in introducing Resolution 1148. It is a valuable model for an effective policy against the mullahs’ regime that has become the primary cause of war and crisis in the region and in the world. A religious dictatorship known for its massacres execution of 30,000 political prisoners in 1988.
I am very grateful to Congressman Randy Weber, who initiated this resolution. I salute Congresswoman Elise Stefanik, Chair of the Republican Conference of this House, as well as the honorable Representatives Nancy Mace, Brad Sherman, Lance Gooden, Raul Ruiz, and Mario Diaz-Balart.
However, I cannot hide my deep sadness at the loss of the MP. Sheila Jackson LeeShe was one of the pioneers in supporting the Iranian Resistance, my sister, dear old friend and one of the first signatories of this resolution.
I extend my condolences to the Congress, the American people, and her family on the passing of this great woman, a true defender of justice and human rights.
She courageously stood against the regime, against the policies of appeasement and against the unfair labels against this resistance and she defended the members of the PMOI in Ashraf, in the most difficult moments. Her name and memory will remain forever in the hearts of freedom-loving people around the world, especially among my compatriots in Iran.

Dear friends,
Resolution 1148 and your conference today are of great importance given the current situation in Iran. On the one hand, the Iranian people and citizens are Resistance of Iran are engaged in a struggle to overthrow this regime. On the other hand, this regime is fueling war across the Middle East and beyond, including in Europe, to overcome the crisis of its fall. It continues its nuclear bomb project at maximum speed and extending its weapons of terror and crime on American soil.

The mullahs’ regime is irreformable

Since March, the Iranian people have boycotted five elections of the regime. This is a major event. The Iranian people reject any form of discrimination. dictatorships, that of the Shah and that of the mullahs.
The Iranian Resistance’s assessments indicate that 88% of the population refused to participate in the so-called presidential election. The regime’s leader acknowledged these boycotts, which clearly demonstrate the Iranian people’s widespread desire to overthrow the regime.
Another highlight is the expansion of resistance units in Iran. In May and June, ahead of the annual Iranian Resistance rally, these units carried out 20,000 activities in 31 provinces.
In recent times, those seeking to justify the regime’s appeasement policy have placed their hopes in the new president. Yet the Iranian people have been declaring for years that the game of reformists versus hardliners is over.
The last 45 years have proven the Resistance’s position that this regime cannot make reforms and that no one in this regime has the will or the ability to bring about change.
The regime’s new president is nothing more than a puppet. He describes himself as being “devoted to the Supreme Leader” and only seeking to implement Khamenei’s plans.
He is proud of his past as a member of the Basij and the Revolutionary Guards. But what is more important are his recent statements before and after the rigged elections. He has shown no willingness to change Khamenei’s three main policies: domestic repression, foreign aggression and nuclear projects.
Over the past two weeks, he has quickly and openly assured proxy groups, including Hezbollah and the Houthis, that the regime will continue to support them as before.
The regime has tried to prevent unrest in Iran by provoking war in Gaza. It continually sends weapons to its proxy groups through a corridor that stretches from Iran to Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. It frequently sends ships filled with missiles and equipment to the Houthis.

Three fundamental measures against the clerical regime
In these circumstances, three fundamental steps are essential to pursue an appropriate policy towards the Iranian regime. These include:
• Recognizing the struggle of the Iranian people to overthrow the regime and the right of Iranian youth to defend themselves against the Revolutionary Guards.
• Activation of the return to normal mechanism under Security Council Resolution 2231.
• Place the regime under Chapter 7 of the United Nations Charter as a serious threat to global peace and security.
The NCRI wants to establish a democratic, free, non-nuclear republic based on the separation of religion and state, which is essential to peace and security in the region and tranquility throughout the world.
I am convinced that with the determination of the Iranian people, we can, we must and we will liberate Iran.
Thank you all.