
Japanese Man Talks About His Unique Life With His Wife Who Loves ‘Finding Boyfriends’

Japanese Man Talks About His Unique Life With His Wife Who Loves ‘Finding Boyfriends’

A man in Japan shocked social media by sharing his bizarre relationship with his wife and her new boyfriend.

The Japanese chef and blogger, known as Prince Soy, went viral after sharing a series of videos documenting the three-way relationship.

Prince Soy said his wife, Seira, whom he dated for two years and has been married to for three years, went to study in Australia last year and met a Japanese student there, who later became her lover.

She was honest with her husband about this man, and he seemed to accept – even embrace – the situation.

On July 12, when Seira brought her boyfriend to the marital home, Prince Soy greeted them both affectionately.

Two is company, and three is not too much for Seira, right, her boyfriend and husband, left. Photo: YouTube/Prince Soy

They lived under the same roof for a week, with the married couple sleeping in their bedroom and the boyfriend, whose name has not been revealed, staying on the couch.

They cooked and cleaned together, and when Seira had a disagreement with her lover, Prince Soy would step in as mediator.

When the boyfriend left after a week, Prince Soy said he was sad to see him go and told him to come back anytime.

Many found their relationship bizarre, but Prince Soy said he and his wife agreed to an open relationship when they were dating.

He said his wife had more than one boyfriend while she was with him and was honest with him every time.

He even paid tribute to his wife’s recent lover whom she met in Australia: “I thank him wholeheartedly because he supported my wife when she was going through a difficult time abroad.

“He must be an interesting person, otherwise my wife wouldn’t fall in love with him.”

He added that the three-way relationship gives him “valuable experience” that he will use to promote his food products and services.

Prince Soy said he also agreed to the relationship because he knew his wife’s hobby was “finding boyfriends.”

“I feel happy as long as my wife is happy,” he said.

Seira and her lover share a meal at home. Photo:

However, he insisted that no matter how many boyfriends she had, no one could take her place, and that he felt sorry for the other men because “they could never be her husband.”

Their open relationship has sparked heated discussions online, with one of his X-rated posts attracting 100,000 likes and 8,000 reposts.

“Do they really love each other?” someone asked.

“It’s a regular open relationship. It’s okay as long as the couple is in agreement and honest,” another said.

“Where can you find such an understanding and caring husband?” someone else joked.