
Iran: A History of American and Israeli Jihad Using Terrorists

Iran: A History of American and Israeli Jihad Using Terrorists

Israel is nervous. It is waiting. Netanyahu wants a “preemptive strike” on Iran. And we are still debating whether or not this man is completely insane. Comparisons to Hitler are useless to this vermin. Hitler had at least one goal: the eradication of an ideology, communism. Netanyahu’s goal is the eradication of the population through jihad. Will the remaining secular Israelis be able to convince Netanyahu to stop, or will they get the same gleam in their eyes every time they hear of new deaths?

Bunkers won’t save people from a nuclear attack. Where the wind blows, death will follow.

Peace negotiations. Netanyahu has stated from the beginning that his goal is to annihilate all Palestinians. The 50,000 Christians are just more goyim going to their graves. Their churches are already decimated. The two-state solution will never be achieved – it is over. We have the truth, and we still ignore it. Why? For the same reason lies are told, to protect us from knowledge. Because knowledge will erase power.

Where is the Vatican? Shouldn’t Pope Francis be involved in an intense dialogue with the Israeli rabbis who are foaming with rage as they dance joyfully over corpses? Or is Pope Francis too busy filling his gluttonous waist with wine and meat? The Church was silent during World War II. The number of Christians killed is relatively equal to the “estimated” number of Jews. The Church’s justification? It feared reprisals against Catholics. The Church was afraid.

Is this why Pope Francis does not want to denounce Israel or try to negotiate peace? Because he is afraid? Or is it because Francis is also a Mossad heretic? Evangelical pastors also remain strangely silent in this martyrdom of the Palestinians in the name of secularism.

SCRS “expert analysts” I believe that Israelis are comforted and delighted that two Hamas leaders have been assassinated – which gives the remaining Palestinians hope that they will not be bombed, as Netanyahu stands by his claim that it is only Hamas. Yet the daily Palestinian death toll remains a constant. A constant that Truth cannot deny – even though many now project that the real death toll is probably closer to 200,000 than the 40,000 estimate.

What is the cause of Israel’s abject hatred of Iran? Why does the United States support and fuel this tension? Which terrorists are inciting jihad?

In 1965, Israel supported, funded, and aided the People’s Mujahedin Organization (MEK), a revolutionary Marxist ideological offshoot of the Freedom Movement of Iran. Its founders came from France, Germany, and the United States. Their goal was to create an Iran that adhered to Western principles of the United Nations. They were instrumental in the coup that overthrew the Mossadegh government and helped the United States install the Shah, Reza Pahlavi. When mass uprisings began following Khomeini’s arrest in 1963, the Shah launched a campaign of executions, torture, and imprisonment of dissidents with the advice and assistance of the United States. The Iranian people rose up against the Shah and his military rule, and the Shah’s U.S.-mandated government fell in 1979.

The United States lost control of its colony.

Massoud Rajavi was the leader of the MEK and organized uprisings and revolutions to overthrow Khomeini. They blew up Khomeini’s government headquarters and killed 74 leaders. Rajavi fled to Paris to regroup. The MEK split into two factions, one Marxist-Leninist, the other Islamic. It was the Marxist faction that carried out bombings, assassinations, and acts of terrorism in Iran and Iraq, while some American personnel in Iran became victims of their fighting.

However, the MEK never claimed responsibility for the attack to Khomeini’s Iranian government, leading to speculation that the attack may have been carried out by outside elements, the CIA and Mossad. The entire MEK organization fled to France in 1982, where they were granted political asylum. They fought for Iraq in the Iran-Iraq War. In 1987, they were expelled from France and sent to Iraq.

During the Iraq/Iran War, the US military ‘capture’ 6,000 MEK troops and gave them protection on military bases. Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld and Vice President Cheney protected the MEK and in 2004 designated them as protected persons solidifying the conspiracy that they were American agents working for the CIA and Mossad. Their goal was to incite an Iranian revolution, aka a coup d’état, so that the United States could regain control of Iran.

In other words, colonization is always the motive.

The MEK was relocated to a US base in Albania, from where it continued to terrorize Iran. On November 27, 2020, Iran’s top nuclear scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, was assassinated. Iran is NOT the Axis of Evil. They are fighting the Axis of Evil, characterized not only by the protection of the Mossad and the CIA, but also by the protected status granted by France, the US under John Bolton, McCain, President Trump and Rudy Giuliani.

In 2018, a married couple from Iran were arrested in Belgium on charges of terrorism and the alleged murder of MEK members at a rally in France. Iran claimed the arrest was a false flag operation aimed at smearing Iranian President Rouhani.

In other words, like ISIS, the US and Israel created terrorist organizations that acted as a clandestine army to carry out a series of coups: in Iran, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Somalia, Sudan and Libya, as directed by General Wesley Clark, after 9/11. NOT in retaliation for 9/11, but to take control of much of the Middle East. And the MEK, ISIS, al-Qaeda, al-Nusra, were all terrorist proxies for the same countries that destroyed the Twin Towers: the US and Israel.

Reprinted with permission from