
Girlfriend criticizes her boyfriend’s flaws in front of his friends, he tells her she can leave without any problem

Girlfriend criticizes her boyfriend’s flaws in front of his friends, he tells her she can leave without any problem

Sometimes couples don’t get along, but it’s best to work these issues out privately. Scolding each other in public, especially in front of friends, makes the situation awkward for everyone. Relationship issues will not necessarily be resolved sooner if there are witnesses involved.

A Reddit user was shocked when his girlfriend pointed out several of his flaws during a get-together with his friends. Unimpressed, the guy then told her she could leave if she wasn’t happy. Now he’s asking the internet if it was a dumb move.

More info: Reddit

A guy went to a barbecue with his girlfriend and her pretentious friends

Image credits: freepik (this is not the actual photo)

His girlfriend then pointed out a number of his flaws during the evening.



Image credits: freepik (this is not the actual photo)

He said he always gave her the highest compliments when her friends were around.



Image credits: Racool_studio (this is not the actual photo)

After that, the guy asked his girlfriend why she insulted him so much, but she said she was joking.


Photo credits: u/DebtContent1218

He told his girlfriend she could leave if she wasn’t happy with the relationship, but now wonders if it was a stupid move

OP begins his story by telling the community that he and his girlfriend went to a barbecue with his friends. He admits that she is out of his league and that he considers himself average and that, even though he doesn’t really know his friends, they seem a little pretentious.

During the evening, he noticed that his girlfriend did not compliment him once. Instead, she took the opportunity to verbally hit him, insulting everything from his receding hairline and tattoo to the car he drives and his lack of stamina to stay up late holidays.

OP says that while there is some truth to his snide remarks, all he does when they hang out with his friends is constantly compliment her.

When the couple got home, OP asked her girlfriend what was up with all the mean comments but she said she was joking and he was acting like a child about it. OP kept telling him she was free to leave him if he was so inadequate. Now he took to Reddit to ask if this was a dumb move.

Knowing when to leave and when to stay in a romantic A relationship can be a difficult decision for anyone.

The truth is that feelings of uncertainty and conflict can be a part of any so-called “normal” relationship, too. Sometimes you may feel like you’re stuck in a kind of romantic limbo, not knowing whether to pull the trigger or make a new effort to make things work.

Image credits: freepik (this is not the actual photo)

In her article For Time, author Carly Breit writes that the feelings elicited by romantic love can be so strong that they can convince people to stay in unhealthy, unfulfilling, and ultimately unhappy relationships, whether they realize it or not.

In fact, a Study 2015 published in Frontiers of human neuroscience They found that when people looked at photos of their romantic partners, dopamine, a chemical associated with reward that makes people feel good, was released in their brains.

Julie Wadley, founder and CEO of dating and coaching service Eli Simone, says: “The way these chemicals make people feel can lead them to overlook logical decisions like leaving an unfulfilling relationship.”

So how do you know when it’s time to break up with someone you love?

According to Wadley, everyone has different needs that need to be met in a relationship, whether they’re emotional or practical. If one partner feels like the other isn’t making an effort to meet those needs after talking about them clearly on several occasions, it may be time to move on.

Another sign that it may be time to stop is if you find yourself seeking these needs from others. “If you find yourself thinking, ‘I have a choice between talking to my boyfriend and talking to my friend, the one who consistently gives you this emotional affirmation that I need—I’ll choose the friend,’” Wadley says, “there’s something wrong.”

If you are afraid to ask more from your partner in your relationship, it is probably time to end the relationship.

Wadley says open lines of communication are essential to healthy, lasting partnerships. “People may think, ‘This will make me seem needy and emotional,’” Wadley says, but hiding your true feelings about how your partner is behaving toward you will only bring out the inevitable.

Another red flag to watch for is if your friends and family aren’t supportive of your relationship. If the people who know you best and have your best interests at heart see that the person you’re in love with is bringing you down, it’s a good idea to listen to their opinions.

What do you think about the situation OP is in? Do you think his girlfriend showed her true colors? Was he a jerk by offering to show her the door? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

Redditors in the comments suggested that what the girlfriend did was a big red flag and that he deserved someone who could appreciate it.















The article GF criticizes her boyfriend’s flaws in front of his friends, he tells her she’s welcome to leave appeared first on Bored Panda.