
A father and his child are both fascinated by the excavator

A father and his child are both fascinated by the excavator

PAOLA, KS — A local wife and mother reported a fascinating incident today when she entered her family’s living room to find her husband and young son equally fascinated by the sight of an excavator working across the street.

Dana Henson had just finished putting food in the refrigerator after lunch when she walked into the living room and saw her husband, Todd, and three-year-old son, Logan, both standing completely still in the front yard of the family home. Upon further investigation, she realized they were both stunned by the excavator across the street.

“That machine had an unwavering hold on both of them,” Dana said later. “They stood there, completely silent except for the occasional grunt. When I went to see what they were looking at, all I saw was a bright yellow excavator. It was like time had stopped for both of them.”

Todd later explained his actions. “You should have seen it, man,” he said, fear still smothered in his voice. “That thing was just out there… digging up a pile of dirt. I saw Logan standing at the window, and I wanted to know what had made him pay such attention… and then I saw it. It was… beautiful.”

Young Logan Henson could not comment beyond an enthusiastic “Wow!”

At the time of publication, Dana predicted a similar reaction from her husband and son later that evening, when they were offered apple pie after dinner.

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