
Looking back at the 2024 total solar eclipse

Looking back at the 2024 total solar eclipse

Exhibits focused on innovations in aeronautics, space, solar and lunar science, and best practices for ensuring a safe solar eclipse viewing experience. Through virtual and augmented simulations, attendees had the opportunity to take a supersonic flight, walk on Mars, and tour the International Space Station. Participants of all ages participated in hands-on activities and spoke with NASA scientists and engineers about their work and how to join the NASA team. Attendees also walked through Journey to Tomorrow, a traveling exhibit with interactive content in English and Spanish, and viewed an Apollo-era moon rock. Visitors also explored large-scale inflatable exhibits of the X-59 aircraft designed to reduce the noise of supersonic air travel, the Space Launch System rocket that is set to take the first woman and first person of color to the Moon, and a concept for a Mars habitat. Throughout the NASA Village, attendees enjoyed several photo opportunities, including iconic NASA cutouts and displays. NASA also hosted astronaut autograph signings and special guest “meet and greets.”