
UN ends Hamas’ ‘cycle of bloodshed’ after October 7 events

UN ends Hamas’ ‘cycle of bloodshed’ after October 7 events

UN ends Hamas’ ‘cycle of bloodshed’ after October 7 events

The Palestinian attacks on Israel on October 7 are one half of a two-headed beast. The other is a political, legal and economic attack that serves as a force multiplier.

The war to destroy the Jewish state and reject coexistence with the Jews has always been characterized by this division of labor. First, there is the physical annihilation of the Jews. Then there is the use of the United Nations to deny the Jewish state the right to defend itself and to allow the repetition of the first stage until the goal is achieved.

It is at the UN that international “law” and the principles of universal “human rights” are being misused in the service of violence and anti-Semitism.

UN envoy on sexual violence under fire for failing to show up for meeting on Hamas hostages held in Gaza

On October 8 and 9, the fences between Gaza and Israel were still open; the Israeli coastline was still unsecured; terrorists in Israel were still being confronted; and Israel was frantically trying to rescue the hostages before they disappeared – all under fire from multiple fronts. More than a thousand bodies were still being identified from their brutalized remains.

The depth of Hamas’s depravity and hatred of Jews has yet to be revealed: pelvises cracked in gang rapes and executions, children tied to their parents and burned alive; women’s body parts amputated and used as toys; bullets lodged in male and female genitalia, children hunted down and shot under their beds, heads cut off with knives and shovels, human beings huddled in shelters destroyed by grenades. Videos of the killers who ecstatically filmed their atrocities.

And yet, starting there, the UN actors sent a common message to a vulnerable, shocked and broken Jewish state: Do not fight back. This global behemoth and media powerhouse unleashed a ferocious denial of Israel’s fundamental right to self-defense.

While Jewish bodies were still smoking, the head of a permanent anti-Israel UN “commission of inquiry,” Navi Pillay, boasted that she had been the first to call on “the parties involved to cease all forms of violence” – a pathologically twisted warning to silence the lambs.

The Security Council, responsible for maintaining international peace and security, met on October 8 – and said nothing.

Secretary-General António Guterres launched an immediate apology tour to Hamas, saying on October 9 that “this recent violence did not occur in a vacuum,” criticizing Jewish victims and portraying the one-sided assault as another step in a “cycle of bloodshed.”

In the face of systematic sexual atrocities perpetrated by Palestinians, the UN women’s rights apparatus has abandoned Jewish women and girls, calling into question the veracity of painfully documented accounts.

Although October 7 was the worst atrocity suffered by the Jewish people since the Holocaust, none of the main organs of the UN – the Security Council, the General Assembly and the Human Rights Council – have Never condemned Hamas for the October 7 attack – or anything else.

No UN actor has even recognized Israel’s right to self-defense guaranteed by the UN Charter. On the contrary, the Human Rights Council adopted a resolution aimed at depriving it of this right.

No one at the UN has declared that the October 7 massacre of Jews was anti-Semitism. Even though Palestinian terrorists in Israel have been calling their homes to brag about how many Jews they are slaughtering.

Instead, the UN has poured out a stream of accusations of murder: hospitals “targeted” by the Israelis (when in fact they were hit by Palestinian rockets); aid workers “targeted” (actually mistakenly hit after surrounding themselves with Hamas lookalikes); the construction of mass graves (of dead actually buried by Palestinians); journalists “targeted” (who were actively engaged in terrorism); schools “targeted” (occupied and run by terrorists).

The UN has launched a massive disinformation operation: Hamas statistics on casualties and living conditions are relentlessly regurgitated; military losses are concealed; the number of women and children killed is systematically inflated; allegations of famine are made when they do not exist; failures to deliver UN aid are blamed on Israel.

Paradoxically, the UN has directly facilitated Hamas’s grotesque and illegal human protection strategy by continually preventing the relocation of civilians to safer locations inside and outside Gaza.


The situation is getting worse. Employees of the UN agency for Palestinian “refugees” (UNRWA) were directly involved in the atrocities of October 7. Many others have links to Palestinian terrorist organizations. UNRWA premises have been used as Hamas command and control centers and weapons depots. UNRWA’s headquarters in Gaza fed into a Hamas data center located just below. UNRWA’s response was to admit that “nine staff members may have been involved” on October 7 and to demand that donations continue to flow.

The real vicious cycle of bloodshed has been going on for decades between the UN and those committed to Israel’s destruction. In October, Pillay told Al Jazeera that Hamas had “actually been forced to resort to armed struggle” because of the Israeli “occupation” – which supposedly began in May 1948, when the State of Israel was founded. Conspiracy theories aimed at controlling Jewish lobbies and evil, racist Zionists have been part of Pillay’s agenda at the UN since well before October 7. The UN’s top “investigator” on Israel, Francesca Albanese, repeatedly utters the obscenity that Israelis are emulating the Nazis and that the Israeli prime minister is modeled after Hitler.

At bottom, the United Nations is abusing the language of human rights, ceasefires, boycotts, sanctions, arms embargoes, and criminal justice to promote the anti-Semitic fantasy of ethnically cleansing Jews from their historic homeland. This leaves us all with a stark choice: discredit and defund this instrument of death, or prepare for the gates of hell it opens.