
Liquid Crystals: Paving the Way for the Quantum Revolution in Computing | Chemical Engineering & Industrial Chemistry | ChemRxiv

Liquid Crystals: Paving the Way for the Quantum Revolution in Computing | Chemical Engineering & Industrial Chemistry | ChemRxiv


Quantum computing promises exponential advances in information processing, requiring the development of suitable materials for implementing qubits and quantum gates. Liquid crystals, known for their electro-optical characteristics and use in displays, have recently received attention as potential candidates for quantum computing applications. This review explores the role of liquid crystals in quantum information science, beginning with an overview of their characteristics, classification, and phase transition mechanisms. It then focuses on their quantum attributes, their ability to display quantum coherence and entanglement. The review also presents validations of quantum phenomena in liquid crystals, highlighting their suitability for use in quantum systems. Recent advances are discussed, including the development of liquid crystal qubits, quantum gates, and circuits. The review also explores the integration of liquid crystals into quantum photonic devices, highlighting their role in improving quantum communication and information processing. Potential room-temperature applications such as quantum sensing and quantum cryptocurrency are illustrated through case studies. Challenges such as materials synthesis, decoherence, stability, and compatibility with existing technologies are addressed, with proposed solutions including hybrid systems and novel fabrication techniques. Future research directions focus on innovative liquid crystal materials, interdisciplinary collaboration, and their use in emerging quantum technologies.