
Guillermo del Toro finishes his dispatches in a hotel room without being haunted

Guillermo del Toro finishes his dispatches in a hotel room without being haunted

If you could focus on something other than the DNC or JD Vance ordering donuts exactly like a Vice-president character Yesterday, you may have been rewarded with another, scarier saga unfolding online. (Well, only a little scarier. This video of Vance is pretty harrowing.) “While I’m in Aberdeen, I’m staying in an old hotel from the 1800s,” legendary director Guillermo del Toro said, Really knows how to hook his audience with a ghost story, published on Twitter/X Tuesday. “I’m in the most haunted room in the room, which was vacated this morning by one of our producers. Strange electrical and physical events have spooked her and caused her to leave as soon as possible. Stay tuned, if anything happens I’ll let you know.”

And he reported. Over the next few days, the director sent out a steady stream of similarly worded dispatches, documenting a story as gripping as any in the Cabinet of curiosities. “I always stay in the ‘most haunted rooms’ but I’ve only had one supernatural experience – the rest of the time: nothing,” he posted shortly after. “I have high hopes.”

Yesterday at 1:31am he gave another update:

Fans and ghost hunters alike have been eagerly waiting to see what kind of entity was in the room with the Pan’s Labyrinth director that day. Was it a malevolent spirit brought by one too many cinematic explorations of Frankensteinthat the director was there to film? Was it a Machiavellian poltergeist who had wanted to replace his space bar with the “b” key? Nobody knew.

12 hours later:

This was followed by some shots of del Toro trying to catch the angry, territorial ghost of Room #4. in front of the cameraas any good ghost hunter would do. The director even tried to download an EVP (electronic voice phenomenon) on his phone, but in the end it was all for nothing. “No sound or image occurred, just an oppressive atmosphere. Room #4, I’ll be back… Life is unstructured, no grand finale,” he posted late last night. that This is not a perfect summary of life on Earth at the moment, we don’t know what it is. Maybe the real ghosts were the ready-made scenarios we got along the way.