
She helped her sister by paying her rent, but found out she was taking an expensive vacation, so her generosity immediately dried up » TwistedSifter

She helped her sister by paying her rent, but found out she was taking an expensive vacation, so her generosity immediately dried up » TwistedSifter

She helped her sister by paying her rent, but found out she was taking an expensive vacation, so her generosity immediately dried up » TwistedSifterShe helped her sister by paying her rent, but found out she was taking an expensive vacation, so her generosity immediately dried up » TwistedSifter

Vacations can be very expensive, so going out of town when you can’t afford your rent is never a good idea.

I feel like most people realize this.

This woman tried to hide her vacation expenses from her sister, who was helping her pay the rent.

You can see from the story that it didn’t go very well.

My sister (28f) (25f) was made redundant about five months ago.

She’s had a really hard time finding another job since then because it’s really bad for her industry, and people are being laid off left and right.

She currently works as a waitress while she waits to find more permanent employment, but does not earn enough to pay her full rent.

I have a fairly well-paid job and I share the rent with my partner, so I offered to help her pay the rent while she looks for another job.

She was extremely grateful and together we agreed on an amount that would allow her to pay the rent and also have some money for food, travel, etc.

It is important to note that his monthly expenses for food, travel, bills etc. were all covered by her.

She assumed her sister barely made enough money to pay her bills.

I had no problems and did not have the slightest suspicion of any abnormality.

She hates working as a waitress, so I’m sure she’s doing everything in her power to find another job.

The last time I saw her, she told me she had recently taken some overtime so she could give our parents a nice birthday present, so I figured she was basically living paycheck to paycheck.

It turns out his sister is on vacation.

Fast forward to now, and I just got a message from our cousin that my sister is in Paris.

When I expressed my confusion, my cousin sent me a bunch of screenshots of my sister’s Instagram.

My sister had to block my parents and me because neither of us could see her posts or stories.

She was very upset and let her sister know that she knew she was on vacation.

I was very confused, then angry, because if she lives paycheck to paycheck, how can she afford to go on a trip to Europe?

To put it in context, we live in Australia and plane tickets typically cost over $1,000, not including food, hotels or anything else.

I was so angry because not only had she gone on an expensive trip, but she had clearly tried to hide it from me.

I ended up sending her a few short messages, basically saying that I knew she was in Europe and clearly she didn’t need my help paying the rent anymore if she could afford a big trip.

Her sister says she still can’t afford to pay her rent.

She called me and was in tears, begging me not to interrupt her. She told me she was on a trip with her new boyfriend and he was paying for everything.

She insisted that she still needed money to pay her rent and that she would have to move out if I didn’t help her.

Basically I told him it was his problem now, and hung up, which I admit was childish of me, but I was still angry.

Her family thinks she is not being fair to her sister.

I don’t know much about her new boyfriend, so maybe he’s a millionaire or something, but the fact that she tried to hide it from me sets off alarm bells.

I will obviously have a proper discussion with her when she returns, but for now I will block her number.

Since then, she has contacted other family members, who think I am being too harsh and should give her the benefit of the doubt.

They all seem to think I’m going to force her to live on the streets.

It looks like it will be a real fiasco when he returns.

I need an outside opinion.

What is this ?

The biggest problem here seems to be that his sister tried to hide the trip to Europe.

Let’s see how Reddit reacted…

This reader agrees that her sister should have been honest about the vacation.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

Another reader called her sister a “scammer.”

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

This reader thinks the sister’s boyfriend should pay her rent.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

It seems unanimous that his sister should not have lied.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

Taking a vacation is not as big a problem as lying about it and trying to hide it.

Lesson learned, I hope.

If you think this is an interesting story, check out this one about a man who created a point system for his inheritance, and a family friend ended up getting almost all of it.