
Cops hunt for man caught on camera doing sex act with cucumber in DC

Cops hunt for man caught on camera doing sex act with cucumber in DC

Now he’s in a pickle.

Police are hunting for a man caught on camera doing a jaw-dropping sex act with a cucumber in front of a Washington, DC woman’s home, according to cops.

In the hard-to-stomach footage, the suspect is shown slipping through a hole in Catherine Baker’s fence Friday — then pulling the vegetable from a lunch box in her driveway, according to Washington City Paper.

The creep has an unlit cigarette in his mouth and looks cool as a you-know-what as he affixes the cylindrical veggie to the car’s grill, surveillance camera footage posted on Reddit shows.

olice are searching for a man caught on camera performing a sex act on himself with a cucumber. Reddit / @Ok_Buyer_9025

He then pulls down his pants, bends over and commits his rotten act — which the DC news outlet described as “Cucumber Sodomy” — pausing only briefly when a car drives through a nearby alley.

Once he’s finished, the cucumber canoodler lights the cigarette, returns the vegetable to his lunch box and leaves.

Baker said she noticed traces of cucumber on her car, so she checked security footage — and was gobsmacked to find the bad apple getting frisky with himself, according to the paper.

The suspect slipped through a hole in Catherine Baker’s fence. Reddit / @Ok_Buyer_9025

Police have since taken notice of the viral video and are searching for the culprit, who committed “lewd, indecent, or obscene acts” in public, The Metropolitan Police Department said in a press release.

Baker found traces of cucumber on her car, so she checked surveillance footage. Reddit / @Ok_Buyer_9025

The incident is now under investigation.